In Grand Theft Auto 3 The Definitive Edition, players will be able to crush cars very early in the game. While the Harwood Crusher doesn't purposefully show up in players' paths until they progress to later story missions, it is available to use as soon as players can roam free in Liberty City.
If you're looking to crush some cars to dispose of evidence or get some small amounts of cash, head to the north of Portland Island to the Harwood District.

You're looking for a large yellow structure near a crane just off the road. First, park the vehicle you wish to crush an area right in front of the crusher, marked with black tires.
Related: How to make money in Grand Theft Auto 3 – The Definitive Edition

Get out of the car and move clear of the marked zone—the machine will automatically activate and crane your car into the crusher.

Once the lid closes, the car will be gone, and you will be awarded a very small amount of cash. The crusher doesn't serve much of a purpose beyond those features until you use it for story objectives—if this is your first time crushing a car in The Definitive Edition, you will grab the Disposing of the Evidence trophy/achievement.

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Published: Nov 11, 2021 02:20 pm