Chapter 12 is by far the longest chapter in the game, which will find you and the Guardians returning to a half-destroyed Knowhere that's been invaded by the Universal Church of Truth, all culminating in a battle that will test every bit of your combat skills.
Upon encountering The Matriarch, you quickly realize that you need to disconnect four cables feeding a giant Hand made of energy, but an army is standing in the way. This is another battle in the game that will continually spawn enemies until you complete your objective— stay defensive with dodges and dashes and make full use of Quill's Force Field ability whenever you're able to remain invisible for short bursts.
Related: How to break Nikki out of The Promise in Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy – Chapter Fifteen
You must pull the plugs in a certain sequence. To begin, fight and dodge your way to the left of the Hand, where you'll find enemies guarding one of the cable plugs. Take them out and use Quill's Wind Shot on the plug, which will take it offline.

Turn around to find a series of platforms and a few enemies guarding the next plug, jump across the platforms and quickly dispatch the guards. Again, use Quill's Wind Shot on the plug.

Look to the right to find another set of platforms leading to the third plug from the plug. Repeat the process: Cross the platform, kill the guards, use the Wind Shot on the plug.

Make your way to the right of the Hand. After a moment of being there, a few platforms containing another wave of enemies will take position around and above you.

Fight your way up the platforms until you reach the plug—use the Wind Shot once again. This time the plug will jam and initiate a QTE where you have to hammer the prompt until all of the Guardians join you—once all five Guardians are there, jab the button prompt a few more times, and it will end the battle.

For more guides and secrets in Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy, check out How to bring Cosmo back from The Promise in Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy – Chapter Twelve and stay tuned to Pro Game Guides for continued coverage on all of your favorite games!
Published: Oct 30, 2021 04:58 pm