In Final Fantasy X, there are several books scattered around Spira that allow Tidus to learn the Al Bhed language. To 100% FFX or just be able to understand the Al Bhed, you will need 26 total of these primers. I always have trouble finding them all, so here is a little help for anyone looking for all of the Al Bhed Primer locations.
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If you collect all 26 Al Bhed Primers in Final Fantasy X, it will get you the Master Linguist achievement as well as a little closer to one-hundred-percenting this classic game. The first volume is in the very beginning, and the final volume all the way in the Omega ruins, so this is quite the undertaking.
Al Bhed Primer Volume I
The first volume of the Al Bhed Primer can be found in two places. It's available on the deck of the Al Bhed ship in the very beginning of the game when Tidus first meets Rikku. It can also be picked up later, in the Sanubia Desert right near the save point in the oasis. As soon as Tidus gets out of the water, you should see it on the ground near the right side of the screen.
Al Bhed Primer Volume II
The second primer is located in the village of Besaid. After meeting Wakka, head into the Crusaders Lodge that Wakka points out while introducing Tidus to the village. The book is on the floor by Tidus' feet. This is technically not a missable book, but it can be challenging to get once Yuna has the airship. One of the dark Aeons can be in the way of getting back into Besaid.
Al Bhed Primer Volume III
On the ship that sails from Besaid to Killika, there is a engine room. From the deck, turn around and head away from Wakka and Yuna. Then, take the stairs behind the cabin down. Go down the next set of stairs into the Chocobo Power Room; the book is on the floor on the bottom right of the screen. This one can also be found in the Sanubia Desert if missed the first time; just look for a book near Wakka.
Al Bhed Primer Volume IV
After the Sending cutscene with Yuna, Tidus will wake up in the Inn of Killika. Head outside of the inn, then go right. One screen over, the first building you will see is the Tavern. There is a book on the counter next to the man on the floor.
Al Bhed Primer Volume V
When on the ship sailing from Killika to Luca, there is a primer right on the floor behind the captain on the bridge. It's in the middle of the green rug. If you miss this one, no worries as it can also be found in the Desert by Kimari.
Al Bhed Primer Volume VI
While the Besaid Auruch's dressing room is to the right of the ticket stand outside the colosseum, there is another set of dressing rooms to the other side. Head down there to find a treasure chest with some Phoenix Downs in it and a Al Bhed Primer.
Al Bhed Primer Volume VII
When heading through Luca with Auron to meet up with Yuna, be sure to take a detour to the north to the Sphere Theatre. This prime will be on the floor in the lobby at the bottom of the stairs.
Al Bhed Primer Volume VIII
When the group leaves Luca, they will follow along the main road until they come to an Al Bhed inn. Auron will force the party to stop for the night. Once you sleep here, an NPC will prevent you from leaving. He will also give you a copy of this book.
Al Bhed Primer Volume IX
The ninth Al Bhed Primer is located along the high road. If you manage to kill the Chocobo Eater, it will be along the road out. If the Chocobo Eater knocks you off of the cliff, you'll have to take the low road around and backtrack along the high road to find this.
Al Bhed Primer Volume X
When heading to the command center along Mushroom Rock Road, before heading up the machina elevator, look for a little offshoot to the left of the screen. There is a very hard-to-see All Bhed Primer on the ground if you follow it all the way around.
Al Bhed Primer Volume XI
After the Crusader's failed attempt to kill Sin, the road out will be the Djose Highroad. After the treasure chest on the left of the road, there will be a pillar you walk by that starts to change the camera angle. Right next to this pillar is the next book. If you get to the treasure chest with the Bright Bangle in it, you have gone too far.
Al Bhed Primer Volume XII
After the battle crossing the Moonflow on a Shoopuf, you can pick primer up at the Shoopuf station. Leave the first area, then look for the book on the platform you find there.
Al Bhed Primer Volume XIII
The 13th volume of the Al Bhed Primers is located in the Guadosalam. Look to the left of the red door where Seymore is waiting to see you; there will be a small door leading into a home. Inside, you'll find a book on the floor very close to the treasure chest.
Al Bhed Primer Volume XIV
While heading through the Thunder Plains, Rikku will beg the party to stop at the inn to rest. This building will turn out to be another Travel Agency, and Rin will be there. Head inside, then chat with Rikku. After talking with her, Rin will show up. He'll ask how your Al Bhed language training is going; make sure to answer "Okay." If you do, he'll give you book number 14. If you miss this one, you can pick up in Sanubia Desert near Rikku. There is a little section of the road that branches to the left after picking up Rikku where this book can be picked up.
Al Bhed Primer Volume XV
After the Thunder Plains, you will head into the Macalania Woods. On the same screen as the merchant, there will be a book all the way to the right of the screen, hidden among some tree roots on the ground.
Al Bhed Primer Volume XVI
Once through the Macalania Woods, the first screen will be a little inn with a couple of NPCs outside. There will be a book on the ground to the left of the doorway, underneath the Chocobo sign.
Al Bhed Primer Volume XVII
Turn left at the Al Bhed sign in the desert and look for this coliseum-shaped ruin. There is a book in the shade of it.
Al Bhed Primer Volume XVIII
If you head right instead of left at the Al Bhed sign in the desert, you will come across a road sign with a book next to it. This is the 18th Al Bhed Primer.
Al Bhed Primer Volume XIX (Missable)
Volume 19 is the first of the Al Bhed Primers that is missable. After Home is destroyed, there is no going back, so make sure to pick up 19, 20, 21, and 22 before triggering any cutscenes. These are very easy to miss! The first, 19, is located right outside the entrance. After the cutscene plays that introduces us to Cid, don't go in the door; look to the left instead. There is a book on the ground at the furthest point left that you can walk to.
Al Bhed Primer Volume XX (Missable)
In the main hallway, before it branches into three hallways, there is a openable door on the left. If you head inside, you will be greeted by a fight. After that is complete, though, you can pick up the treasure from the chests as well as the missable Al Bhed Primer that is on the desk in this room.
Al Bhed Primer Volume XXI (Missable)
When the hallways branches into three in the main drag of Home, head to the right first. There is a book at the end of this hallway by the green-lit door.
Al Bhed Primer Volume XXII (Missable)
In the Priests' Passage of Bevelle Temple after the wedding scene, this book is on the platform. Make sure to keep an eye out for it, since you can't go back to get it after leaving the Temple.
Al Bhed Primer Volume XXIII
In the Calm Lands before heading to the Ronso's mountain, there is a primer to the west and a little north from the Inn there.
Al Bhed Primer Volume XXIV
This volume is right outside the Remiem Temple. Grab a chocobo from the woman riding the chocobo in the Calm Lands; she will be in one of four places: Near the Mt. Gagazet entrance in the north, northwest where the XXIII Primer was found, a little bit south of the travel agency, or by the entrance to the Calm Lands from Macalania in the south.
After finding the woman, speak with her and ask to borrow a chocobo. Take the chocobo to the Macalania entrance to the calm lands and look for a chocobo jump point (there will be a yellow feather there). Head into the temple area, across the wooden bridge, then turn left at the save point. The 24th Al Bhed Primer will be on the ground near the chocobo there.
Al Bhed Primer Volume XXV
The second-to-last primer is in the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth. This is located where the entrance to Mt. Gagazet is; instead of going over the bridge from the Calm Lands to the mountain, head down into the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth. Near the second save point inside, there will be two little offshoots: one with a treasure chest and the other with the primer in it.
Al Bhed Primer Volume XXVI
And finally, there is one book in the Omega Ruins. It is in the room with the four chests, just north of where the four treasure chests are.
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Published: Sep 28, 2023 02:24 pm