Chipped Oldbone can be found at Bonepiles in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. They are found in the Citadel map and are best farmed on Expeditions during a Bonepile Upsurge. Players farming for these materials can make use of some Skills in order to get more materials every time they interact with the Bonepile Gathering Point. This is how to get Chipped Oldbone in MHR: Sunbreak.
How to farm for Chipped Oldbone in MHR Sunbreak
Players can farm for Chipped Oldbone in the Citadel. Players gain access to the map once they complete MR3 Quest Garangolm Gone Mad and can freely go on Expeditions after. Look out for Upsurges of Bonepiles, as this is the best way of getting more materials every time the player interacts with the Gathering Point. These Bonepiles can also be marked by using the Sniff 'em Out Palamute ability.
Skills and Decorations for Farming
The Geologist Skill at Level 1 is all that is required for players to be able to gather an additional item at Bonepiles. If players don't have the Decoration for it, they can also forge either the Leather Headgear X, Leather Gloves X, or Leather Trousers X to equip the Skill.
Related: How to get Large Herbivore Bones in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak
The Raisin d'etre Dango reduces the time it takes for Gathering Points to respawn. This makes it so players can make a loop on the Citadel to harvest from Bonepiles and potentially come back to their Bonepiles as they respawn. It decreases the spawn time from around four to five minutes to roughly three minutes.
What is Chipped Oldbone used for in MHR Sunbreak?
Chipped Oldbone are required to Forge both the Gore Helm and Lunagaron Coil, as well as a few Weapons.
- Gore Helm - Gore Magala Headpiece
- Lunagaron Coil - Lunagaron Coil
- Ro Waga+ - Aeucanth Tree Dual Blades
- Wyvern Gnasher - Bone Tree Greatsword
- Crown of the Protector - Bishaten Tree Sword and Shield
- Datura Splitter - Pukei-Pukei Tree Sword and Shield
- Barong Kutot - Bone Tree Sword and Shield
- Purple October - Rhenoplos Tree Heavy Bowgun
- Injector Cannon+ - Vespoid Tree Heavy Bowgun
- Gargantua Gunlance - Bone Tree Gunlance
- Bonebreaker Veil - Bone Tree Charge Blade
- Draquila Reaver - Dragon Tree Charge Blade
- Sonic Bow+ - Vespoid Tree Bow
For more Monster Hunter Rise guides, check out Where to find Purecrystal in Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Jul 4, 2022 11:12 pm