Fishing is another great activity to take up in the world of Harvest Moon: The Wind of Anthos. You can collect fish for food, sell it for some extra coins, or even gift it to someone. You'll receive your first fishing rod after you reunite the families of Lenctenbury and start to help the restaurant owner expand his menu. Here's how to get started!
How to fish in Harvest Moon The Winds of Anthos

To start fishing, approach a body of water until the Fish option appears on your screen. This is usually at a beach or other body of water where you can see the shadows of fish under the surface. You will also need to have a fishing pole in your tool inventory.
After you select Fish, you will have the choice to fish with just the hook or to add on some bait. Bait makes it a lot faster for fish to bite onto the hook and allow you to start reeling them in. You can purchase bait from certain supply shops and characters or craft some yourself.

Once you cast your line into the water, wait for a fish to approach. You will see and feel a slight bob as the fish begin to grow interested in your hook. Usually, they will knock against the hook twice before biting on, so make sure not to spook them before that. Once a fish bites, you will begin the reeling process.
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This is when things get more interesting. You will have to use the proper reeling methods to collect your fish and avoid losing them.
First, take a look at the durability meter on the left side. This will indicate how close the fish is to escaping your hook. It will go down if you reel in the wrong direction or don't pull the fish in fast enough. If the meter diminishes completely, the fish will get free.
To pull your fish in before they escape, aim the pole the opposite way of their pull, and when the fish is in a rest period, hold the reel button to pull them toward you. You will only want to hold the reel button when the fish is resting, or else you will lose a chunk of durability trying to fight them.
How to gain more fishing ability in Harvest Moon The Winds of Anthos

You'll raise your fishing skill the more you fish. You can check this in your menu under your character overview tab. You will start as a Newbie but will move up the ranks as you successfully catch fish. The more skill you have, the faster and easier you will find it to catch fish, and rarer types of fish will appear more often.
Fishing is a useful skill to have, so keep practicing to grow your ability and catch even more. You'll be able to use it to catch various fish to cook up for some tasty meals or simply sell it for some extra coins.
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Published: Sep 27, 2023 12:10 pm