Warrior is your weapon-based armor class that can do a bit of everything! From the slow-paced Control Warrior to the fast paced aggressive decks it has used in the past, Warrior has been a well-known threat to anyone who stands in their way! We'll be taking a look at the best Warrior decks you'll be able to play with in the Scholomance Academy expansion. The class got some particularly interesting stuff to play with in the new expansion. That means there's hopefully going to be some new options to bring into the Standard or Wild ladder!
Warrior is a class of polar opposites. On one hand it has featured a super slow and controlling style of play that would extend the game to fatigue. On the other hand, there have been decks that are super fast and could have you dead by turn four or five! Pirate Warrior in particular was infamous for this and had multiple metas where it dominated. On the slow side, Control Warrior was a common topic of discussion, with some players loving the slow grinding play style, and others hating have to play long drawn out games that took forever to complete. Then there's Patron Warrior which was one of the higher skill decks that has ever been in Hearthstone! If you mastered it, you could dominate most other decks. The archetype was eventually nerfed, and became a shell of itself soon afterwards. Overall, the Warrior class has many high points, with decks that were on either side of the spectrum.
Best Warrior Decks for Scholomance Standard
The best deck for Warrior in the Scholomance meta right now is the Big Warrior deck! Big Warrior is probably one of the most standout lists of the expansion right now and is doing quite well.
Big Warrior Deck
If you're a fan of Control Warrior then this is about as close to it as you're going to get right now. It follows a similar gameplan, where you are looking to stall your opponent in the early game. Where it differs is that we're seeking to get big threats onto the board and beat our opponent down with them. Typical Control Warriors would just try to outlast the opponents with tons of armor and fatigue. The key to the deck is in Commencement and Dimensional Ripper. These will pull or copy big minions from your remaining cards and throw them on the board. If you can last long enough, you should give your opponent quite a bit of trouble with big powerful minions they have to deal with.
Warrior | Neutral |
2x - Athletic Studies | 1x - Archmage Vargoth |
2x - Shield Slam | 1x - Scrapyard Colossus |
2x - Sword and Board | |
1x - Whirlwind | |
2x - Corsair Cache | |
1x - Execute | |
2x - Bladestorm | |
1x - Bulwark of Azzinoth | |
2x - Shield Block | |
1x - Kargath Bladefist | |
2x - Reaper's Scythe | |
2x - Brawl | |
2x - Commencement | |
1x - Deathwing, Mad Aspect | |
2x - Troublemaker | |
1x - Rattlegore | |
2x - Dimensional Ripper |
Deck Code
AAECAQcI/ASRBtaZA9+tA765A/O7A/nCA6vUAwtLogT/B5aUA7i5A8C5A/bCA+LMA+PMA6fOA9LRAwA=Prior to Expansion: Pirate Warrior Deck
While not as strong as in other metas, Pirate Warrior still remains a popular option for the class.
Warrior | Neutral |
2x - Imprisoned Gan'arg | 2x - Southsea Deckhand |
2x - Sky Raider | 2x - Bloodsail Raider |
1x - Upgrade! | 2x - Parachute Brigand |
2x - Corsair Cache | 1x - Ironbeak Owl |
2x - Heroic Strike | 1x - Southsea Captain |
1x - Ancharrr | 2x - Dread Corsair |
1x - Livewire Lance | 2x - Hoard Pillager |
2x - Skybarge | |
2x - Kor'kron Elite | |
2x - Mortal Strike | |
1x - Arcanite Reaper |
Deck Code
AAECAQcGogKwAv8DqAX1qAPerQMMHNQFpAbuBucH7wfcrQPdrQPosAPpsAO8uQPAuQMAPrior to Expansion: Egg Warrior Deck
Egg Warrior was one of the best counters to Demon Hunter which gave it a high place in the meta. However, after many nerfs, Demon Hunter has gotten less popular which has exposed Egg Warrior a bit more and it is not nearly as good a pick to bring onto the ladder.
Warrior | Neutral |
2x - Inner Rage | 2x - Serpent Egg |
2x - Risky Skipper | 1x - Teron Gorefiend |
2x - Sky Raider | |
2x - Armorsmith | |
2x - Battle Rage | |
2x - Corsair Cache | |
2x - Rampage | |
1x - Ancharrr | |
2x - Bloodsworn Mercenary | |
2x - Bomb Wrangler | |
2x - Livewire Lance | |
2x - Warmaul Challenger | |
1x - Kor'kron Elite | |
2x - Bloodboil Brute | |
1x - Grommash Hellscream |
Deck Code
AAECAQcEHNIC3q0D1LoDDRaQA9QE1Ai9pgP1qAPcqQPdrQOktgOrtgO7uQPAuQOcuwMAPrior to Expansion: Galakrond Warrior Deck
If you've got Galakrond for a particular class, then you can usually throw in all of the synergy cards and fill in the rest to make a pretty solid list.
Warrior | Neutral |
2x - Risky Skipper | 1x - Captain Greenskin |
2x - Shield Slam | 1x - Kronx Dragonhoof |
2x - Sky Raider | |
2x - Armorsmith | |
2x - Battle Rage | |
2x - Corsair Cache | |
1x - Ancharrr | |
2x - Bladestorm | |
2x - EVIL Quartermaster | |
2x - Shield Block | |
2x - Wrenchcalibur | |
2x - Brawl | |
1x - Blastmaster Boom | |
2x - Bloodboil Brute | |
1x - Galakrond, the Unbreakable | |
1x - Deathwing, Mad Aspect |
Deck Code
AAECAQcGyAOblAPerQPfrQPjtAPFwAMMS5ADogTUBP8HmpQD2a0D3a0DpLYDuLkDwLkDnLsDAA==Best Warrior Decks for Scholomance Wild
Wild can be a bit difficult to predict, so here's a look at some decks that have been successful on the Wild ladder. You will find that the meta of Wild doesn't fluctuate as much as Standard does when a new expansion is released. This generally only happens if one Standard deck in particular is very dominant. Normally, you will notice that just the most powerful cards out of the set find their way into decks.
Wild Pirate Warrior Deck
Wild has all of those great Pirates that have been released over the years and they clump together very nicely in the Warrior class. This is far and away the best deck for Warrior in Wild, and is a fast and reliable option for anyone to climb the ladder.
Warrior | Neutral |
2x - N'Zoth's First Mate | 1x - Patches the Pirate |
2x - Sky Raider | 1x - Sir Finley Mrrgglton |
2x - Upgrade! | 2x - Southsea Deckhand |
2x - Corsair Cache | 2x - Parachute Brigand |
1x - Ancharrr | 2x - Sharkfin Fan |
2x - Bloodsail Cultist | 2x - Ship's Cannon |
2x - Skybarge | 2x - Southsea Captain |
2x - Wrenchcalibur | 2x - Dread Corsair |
1x - Leeroy Jenkins |
Published: Aug 5, 2020 7:19 PM UTC