Our Hearthstone Saviors of Uldum Guide walks you through everything you need to know about the new expansion! We've got information on the release date, pre-order, new keywords, trailers, game board, and what card backs will be available!
Saviors of Uldum Overview
Here's a quick overview of what's to come in the new expansion.
- Release Date: August 6th, 2019
- Pre-Release: August 2nd - 5th, 2019
- Can’t wait until launch day to pop open your packs? Check out a Saviors of Uldum pre-release event from August 2 – 5 to open packs early and experience Hearthstone in a brand new way!
- New Cards: 135 New Cards!
- Check out the new cards right here!
- Login Bonus: Start your adventure with a bang - Log into Hearthstone starting at the launch of Saviors of Uldum, and for 90 days afterwards, to receive a random Legendary Quest Card!
- New Keyword - Reborn: They get knocked down, but they get up again… Minions with the Reborn keyword will return to life with 1 health left the first time they are defeated.
- New Mechanic - Plagues: Oh good, the League of E.V.I.L. has figured out how to unleash deadly plagues. Does… does this look infected to you?
- Returning Mechanic - Quests: What’s a hero without a quest? Nine all-new quest cards, once completed, will replace your hero power with a powerful new ability.
Saviors of Uldum Pre-Order
Pre-purchase Saviors of Uldum and have your whips, wands, and wide-brimmed hats at the ready when the expansion launches on August 6 (PT). Two pre-purchase options are available, and you can get BOTH for extra value!
Saviors of Uldum Mega Bundle
This bundle includes 80 Saviors of Uldum card packs, the Elise Starseeker Druid Hero, the Elise Starseeker card back, and a random Saviors of Uldum Golden Legendary card!
This bundle includes 50 Saviors of Uldum card packs, the Elise Starseeker card back, and a random Saviors of Uldum Golden Legendary card!
Arena Rotation
With the launch of Saviors of Uldum, the Arena will rotate to a new pool of cards from the following list of available sets:
- Basic
- Classic
- League of Explorers
- Journey to Un'Goro
- Kobalds & Catacombs
- Rastakhan's Rumble
- Saviors of Uldum
Saviors of Uldum Game Board
Saviors of Uldum Card Backs

Saviors of Uldum Logo
Saviors of Uldum Pack Art

Published: Jul 1, 2019 10:01 am