Hearts of Iron IV allows for players to use the console to advance their game or finish scenarios easily. If you're looking for the full list of commands, you've come to the right place!
Hearts of Iron IV Cheats and Console Command List
This is a large list, so we've only provided a rough outline of what they are supposed to do. To enter the console and enter in these commands press the ` key (found directly under the Esc key on most keyboards). Then, enter in the command and the proper arguments, and hit Enter.
Related: Starcraft 2 Cheat Codes & Console Commands - Pro Game Guides
3dstats | Toggles 3D stats. |
add_autonomy [country tag] [amount] | Adds or subtracts from a the specified country's autonomy level. |
add_core [state id] [country tag] | Adds the specified state as a core of the specified country. |
add_diplo | Adds diplomatic enroute for your current country. |
add_equipment [amount] [equipment name] | Adds a specified amount of any equipment. Negative amount removes that many of said equipment. Equipment must be researched. This does not work on Naval equipment. |
add_ideas [idea name] | Adds the idea with the specified name to yourcountry. |
add_interest [country tag] | Adds the country with the specified tag to your interest. |
add_latest_equipment [amount] | Adds the specified amount of equipment to every piece of equipment you have researched. |
add_opinion [source country tag] [target country tag] | Adds an opinion from the specified country tag to another country. |
add_party_popularity [ideology group] [amount] | Adds the specified amount of popularity to the specified ideology group. |
| |
ai | Toggles AI. |
ai_accept | Toggles if AI will always accept diplomacy. |
ai_invasion | Toggles the AI for naval invasion. |
aidump | Dumps AI data from your currently selected unit to a log file. |
aircombat [scenario] [result] [province id] [airbase state id] [airbase state id] [equipment] [equipment] [equipment creator] [equipment creator] | Initiates an air combat in the specified location from your desired country, airbase, and equipment. |
airealism | Toggles realistic AI for the game. |
aiview | Toggles debug info for the AI. |
allowdiplo | Allows for the use of any diplomatic action without cause. |
allowtraits | Removes restrictions on general trait assignment. |
analyzetheatres | Checks all threatres for errors. |
| |
annex [country tag / 'all'] | Starts an annex with the specified country tag. |
bloom | Toggles bloom. |
browser [url] | Opens the browser window and loads the specified URL. |
browser_base_url [url] | Sets the URL of the browser. |
building_health [building type] [state id / province id] [level] [amount] | Modifies the health of an existing building. |
cameraclamp | Toggles the camera clamp. |
cityreload | Forces reload of cities. |
civilwar [ideology] [country tag] | Starts a civil war within a country with the specified ideology. |
collision | Toggles the collision debug GUI. |
combatsound [frequency] | Modifies the frequency of a random sound being emitted from the combat view. Range is 1 to 50. |
| |
cp [amount] | Adds command power. Maxed at 100. |
createlean | Generates LEAN textures. |
debug_achievements_clear | Clears all of your achievements and stats. |
debug_ai_budget [country tag] | Prints AI budget information to console. |
debug_air_vs_land | Toggle debug mode for air vs land combat. |
debug_assert | Toggles asserts. |
debug_borders | Toggles borders. |
debug_cities | Toggles city painting mode. |
debug_commands | Prints the current commandcount to the message.log file. |
debug_crash | Debugs client crashes. |
| |
debug_diploactions | Initiates diplomatic action logging, prints data collected with the debug_dumpdiploactions command. |
debug_dumpdiploactions | Prints data collected since the debug_dumpdiploactions command was last executed. |
debug_dumpevents | Prints data collected since the debug_events command was last executed. |
debug_entities | Toggles entities. |
debug_events | Initiates event counting, print data collected from this with the debug_dumpevents command. |
debug_fronts | Toggles the interpolated fronts debug screen. |
debug_info | Toggles the debug info screen. |
debug_lines | Toggles debug lines. |
debug_lockcamera | Toggles the camera lock. |
debug_nogui | Toggles the game GUI. |
| |
debug_nomouse | Toggles scroll wheel functionality. |
debug_nuking | Nuking in any province is permitted regardless of conditions. |
debug_off_front_snap | Toggles the offensive fronts snapping debug screen. |
debug_particle | Toggles particles. |
debug_postfx | Toggles PostFX. |
debug_rivers | Toggles rivers. |
debug_show_event_id | Prints the current event ID. |
debug_sky | Toggles the sky. |
debug_smooth | Toggles frame smoothing. |
debug_tactics | Toggles the visibility of the tactics debug tooltip. |
| |
debug_terrain | Toggles terrain. |
debug_texture | Toggles textures like bloom. |
debug_textures | Prints texture debug information to the game log. |
debug_tooltip | Toggles tooltips. |
debug_trees | Toggles trees. |
debug_types | Prints the data type for all dynamic reference objects to console. |
debug_volume [volume] | Adjusts the volume of the game. |
debug_water | Toggles water. |
debug_wireframe | Toggles the game's wireframe. |
debug_zoom | Causes the game to zoom in. |
| |
decision.nochecks | Allows for the ignoring of decision requirements. |
deleteallunits [country tag] | Deletes all units of the specified country tag. |
deltat [speed multiplier] | Adjusts change the speed of animations. |
error | Prints errors from the log file. |
event [event id] [country tag] | Starts the specified event in the specified country. |
filewatcher | Toggles the filewatcher. |
flagsoutput [path] | Generates and saves a texture atlas file to the specified path. |
focus.autocomplete | Allows for instant completion of national focuses. Affects the game's AI. |
focus.ignoreprerequisites | Allows for the ignoring of focus prerequisites. |
focus.nochecks | Allows for the ignoring of focus requirements. |
| |
fow [province id] | Toggles fog of war in the province of the specified ID. Toggles general fog of war if there is no argument. |
fronts | Toggles the visibility of foreign fronts. |
fullscreen | Toggles fullscreen mode. |
gain_xp [amount] | Adds XP to the currently selected Leader/General. |
goto_province [province id] | Moves the center of your camera to the specified province. |
goto_state [state id] | Moves the center of your camera to the specified state. |
guibounds | Toggles the bounds debug GUI. |
hdr | Toggles high-dynamic-range imaging. |
hdr_debug | Toggles high-dynamic-range imaging debugging. |
help [command] | Provides the list of commands or information about the specified command. |
| |
helplog | Adds a list of all commands to the game.log file. |
hsv | Converts HSV to RGB. |
human_ai | Toggles AI for human countries. |
instant_prepare | Causes naval invasions to skip preparation time. Must add -debug to launch options. |
instant_wargoal | Allows for the application of any war goal without cause. |
instantconstruction | Toggles the instant construction cheat, which makes all construction instantaneous. |
ip | Prints your IP to the console. |
manpower [amount] | Adds the specific amount of man power to your country. |
mapmode [mapmode id] | Changes the map mode to the specified type. Range is 1 to 9. |
mapnames | Toggles map names. |
| |
massconquer | Opens the mass conquer tool. |
morehumans [amount] | Adds specified amount humans to your current country. Negative number removes specified amount. |
moveunit [unit id] [province id] | Moves the specified unit to the specified province. |
nextsong | Skips to the next soundtrack. |
night | Toggles night. |
nomapicons | Toggles the visibility of icons in the map. |
nopausetext | Toggles the visibility of the pause menu. |
nudge | Opens the nuge tool. |
nuke [amount] | Adds the specified amount of nukes. |
observe | This command enters you into 'observe' mode, in which you are set to play no country at all - meaning the entire game plays on auto-pilot. Messages do not show, and the game is not automatically paused. |
| |
occupationpaint [country tag] | If no country tag is specified, toggles occupation painting. If the country tag is specified, makes your country will occupy all land the specified country tag owns. |
oos | Forces the client to go out of sync. |
particle_editor | Opens the particle editor GUI. |
pause_in_hours [hours] | Pauses the game after the specified amount of time. |
poll | Polls valid events. |
posteffectvolumes.default [post effect] | Toggles specified post effect. |
pp [amount] | Adds the specified amount of political power. |
prices | Prints price info to game.log. |
printsynchstuff | Prints the seed of your game. |
profilelog | Outputs profiling information to time.log. |
| |
provtooltipdebug | Toggles province tooltip debug info. |
reload [file name] | Reloads a file without opening and closing your game. |
reloadfx [map / .fx file] | Reloads the fx file, or reloads the shaders if there is no argument. |
reloadinterface | Reloads the game interface. |
reloadoob [country tag] | Reloads the order of battle of the country with the specified tag. |
reloadsupply | Reloads all supply systems.. |
reloadtechnologies | Reloads all technologies. |
reloadweather [seed] | Forces reload of the weather. |
remove_core [state id] [country tag] | Removes the specified state as a core of the specified country. |
remove_interest [country tag] | Removes the country with the specified tag from your interest. |
| |
rendertype | Prints the render type being used for your client. |
requestgamestate | Prints the gamestate. |
research [slot id / 'all'] | Used to research all equipment, or equipment in a specific technology slot. |
research_on_icon_click | Instantly researches any technology when selected in the technology tree. |
resign | Forces resignation from your current position. |
run [file name] | Runs a list of commands in a specified file. |
savecheck | Checks that saving the game is functioning correctly. |
savegame | Forces a game save. |
set_cosmetic_tag [country tag] [country tag] | Changes the name and flag of the specified country to that of another country. |
set_country_flag [country tag] | Sets the flag of the specified country as your current nation's flag. |
| |
set_ruling_party [ideology group] | Sets the specified ideology group as the ruling party. |
setcontroller [country tag] [province id] | Sets the controller of a specified province. |
setowner [country tag] [state id] | Sets the owner of a specified state. |
setrandomcount [count] | Sets the random count to the amount specified |
sleep [duration] | Pause the game for the specified amount of time in seconds. |
spawn [unit name/id] [province id] [amount] | Spawns a specified amount of a unit in a province. -debug must be enabled in in launch options. |
spawnactor [name] [province id] [animation] | Spawns an actor with the specified animation. |
srgb | Toggles color debugging. |
st [amount] | Adds stability. Max at 100. Negative values remove stability |
tag [country tag] | Switches your country to the specified country tag. |
| |
tag_color [rgb] | Sets the tag color of your current country. |
tdebug | Toggles debug mode. |
teleport [province id] | Teleport any selected ship or army to the province specified |
testevent [event id] [character id] | Tests the specified ID without triggering it. |
testtool | Opens the testing tool. |
theatersrebuild | Rebuilds all existing theatres. |
time | Prints the current time. |
traderoutes | Toggles the visibility of trade routes. |
trigger_docs | Writes a list of triggers and effects to a log file that you can find in game.log. |
tweakergui | Opens a tweaker GUI. |
| |
update_loc [localisation key] | Reloads the specified localisation key. |
updateequipments | Forcefully reload of equipment-related files. |
updatesubunits | Forcefully reload unit-related files. |
version | Prints the current game version to the console. |
weather | Toggles weather. |
whitepeace [country tag] [country tag] | Things return to the way they were before war between the specified countries. |
window [open / close] [gui name] | Toggles the GUI with the specified name. |
winwars | Gives your country the maximum war score for all wars it is in. |
ws [amount] | Adds war support. Max at 100. Negative values remove war support. |
xp [amount] | Adds the specified amount of XP to all experience levels. |
yesman | Causes country AI to automatically accept any diplomatic offers. |
That's quite a lot of cheats! We suspect the reason for this is because most of them were intended to be used by the developers to debug the game.
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Published: Apr 10, 2021 10:44 am