Hogwarts Legacy features many nooks, crannies, and puzzles you can find and complete all around the castle. One form of puzzle that doesn't require a specific spell, but will require a bit of magical thinking, are Arithmancy doors. These doors feature numbers combined with symbols of animal heads, meant to all be put together mathematically. Confused? So were we, at first. But we can help. Here's how to solve and unlock all of the Animal Symbol doors in Hogwarts Legacy.
How to open the animal number symbol doors in Hogwarts Legacy

Arithmancy doors only require a little bit of addition, algebra, and imagination. First, you'll want to know that all of the animal heads in these doors correspond with a specific digit, from zero to nine. The symbols always surround the door in order if you forget the number an animal corresponds to. Generally, the number will have something to do with the animal, such as the spider representing the number eight. You know, eight legs and all.
Now that you know what each symbol means, all you need to do is look at the numbers on each door and match a corresponding ? to the right animal symbol to solve the puzzle. There are technically two math puzzles per door, so you'll be solving for ? and ?? each time.
Related: All Side Quests in Hogwarts Legacy – Side Quest List and Guides
All three numbers or animal head symbols should equal the number in the center. Let's say you encounter a door with a top riddle that has a One, a Five, and a single ? surrounding the number Nine. You would subtract one and five from nine to get the answer: Three. Three corresponds to the Three-headed Hydra animal symbol, so half of the solution to your puzzle would be finding a ? tile in the wall somewhere nearby and rotating the symbol to show the Three-headed Hydra animal symbol. You'd then solve the second riddle similarly, unlocking the door.
Still with us? Good. Generally ? and ?? tiles around a door aren't difficult to find, but sometimes they can be hidden. Where they are, we'll help you find them.
All correct symbols to open all Arithmancy doors in Hogwarts Legacy
There are twelve Arithmancy doors for you to find around Hogwarts castle. The locations and solutions are listed below.
Outside Charms Class

This door is right around the corner from your charms class, leading further up the tower. The ? and ?? Symbols are found easily on the left and right. You should make the ? tile show a Graphorn Symbol (2). The ?? tile should show a Balloon Symbol (7).
Outside Transfiguration Courtyard

From the Transfiguration Courtyard Floo Flames, go through the largest double doors in front of you. The Arithmancy door will be on your right as soon as you enter. The ? tile is right nearby the door. The ?? tile is one floor up above behind the banister pictured. You'll need to make the ? tile show a Spider symbol (8). The ?? tile should show a Three-Headed Hydra (3).
Ravenclaw Tower

From the Ravenclaw Tower Floo Flames, head left and into the tower, and the animal symbol door will be on your right. You can also get here from the Grand Staircase Floo Flames. Climb the staircase until you can go through an archway on your left, with a white statue on the right that you can Levioso. Continue down the corridor to enter Ravenclaw Tower.
The ?? to the left is number 5 (Five-legged creature,) and the ? on the right is the Bird (4)
Entrance to Arithmancy Classroom

Use the Divination Classroom Floo Flame then head up the wooden stairs into the rafters. On your right hand side should be a path leading to the Arithmancy door pictured above. There is also a handy Number and symbols guide for your inventory by the chalkboard. The solution is Bird Symbol (4) for the ? tile and Three-Headed Hydra (3) for the ?? tile.
Door on the right hand side of the Arithmancy Classroom

Go through the door you just solved to find the Arithmancy Classroom. There are two more doors here to solve. The one on the right, from the classroom's front door, can be solved by using a Lizard (6) for ? and a Unicorn (1) for ??.
Door on the left hand side of the Arithmancy Classroom

The door on the left hand side doesn't hide the tiles, either. Use the Bird (4) for the ? tile and the Quintaped (5) for ??.
Related: All Moth to the Frame picture locations in Hogwarts Legacy
Between the Grand Staircase and the Great Hall

This door is near the House Point Hourglasses and has a hidden tile. The ?? tile is located one floor below, directly underneath the door. The solution is an Owl (0) for the ? tile and a Quintaped (5) for the ?? tile.
At the top of the Grand Staircase

If you go up the Grand Staircase, you'll run into this Arithmancy door. The ? tile is further up the stairs on your left. the ?? tile is on the central pillar facing the door. Use the Lizard (6) symbol for ? and the Balloon symbol (7) for ??.
Inside the Great Hall

If you walk into the Great Hall, facing the podium, walk to the back left corner of the room. You'll find another Arithmancy door here with tiles along the corridor walls. Use the Spider (8) for the ? tile and the Three-Headed Hydra (3) for the ?? tile.
Inside the Faculty Tower

You'll come across this door while completing your first search for Demiguise statutes and unlocking the Alohomora Spell. Be careful of the student guarding the door. Use the Owl Symbol (0) for the ? tile and the Tentacled Squid (9) for the ?? tile.
Top of the North Hall

If you go to the top of the North Hall, nearby the end of the Cache in the Castle Quest, you'll find a level one locked door. Open it to find this Arithmancy door behind it. The solution is Lizard (6) for the ? symbol and Three-Headed Hydra (3) for the ?? symbol.
Inside the Long Hall

Your last door is inside the Long Hall, a locked area you can reach by going to the potions classroom, continuing down the staircase, and unlocking the door. The Arithmancy door is at the very end of the Long Hall. To open it, use the Graphorn (2) symbol for ? and use the Unicorn (1) for ??.
Looking for more help in Hogwarts Legacy? Check out How to solve the bridge brazier puzzle in Hogwarts Legacy here at Pro Game Guides.
Published: Feb 8, 2023 07:08 am