Hogwarts Legacy is filled with different items and gear for you to collect. If you start running out of gear slots at any point in the game, you should consider solving the Merlin Trials around the open world. Solving these puzzles will grant you additional gear slots to carry more items, as well as XP. There are a total of four Merlin Trials that can be found in the North Ford Bog region located in the northernmost point of the map. Here's how you can find and solve all Merlin Trials in the North Ford Bog Region in Hogwarts Legacy.
All North Ford Bog Merlin Trial Locations in Hogwarts Legacy
1 - Northwest of East North Ford Bog Floo Flame (Giant ball)

The first Merlin Trial in the North Ford Bog region is located to the northwest of the East North Ford Bog Floo Flame point. The Merlin Trial puzzle in this location is the one involving a giant ball. Here, the bowl in which the ball needs to go in is covered with moss. Use Confringo or Incendio to clear the moss. Then, use Wingardium Leviosa, or Depulso to move the giant ball in the bowl.
2 - South of Pitt-Upon-Ford Floo Flame (Parkour blocks)

The next Merlin Trial is located to the south of the Pitt-Upon-Ford Floo Flame point. Once you reach the spot, you will notice a series of blocks going up like a staircase. This is one of the simplest Merlin Trial puzzles, as all you will need to do is jump from one block to the other without falling off. Upon reaching the final block, you will have successfully completed the Merlin Trial.
3 - East of North Ford Bog Floo Flame (Exploding pillars)

Another Merlin Trial is located to the east of the North Ford Bog Floo Flame point which is the northernmost point of North Ford Bog. Upon reaching the location, you will notice five pillars around the Merlin Trial, three of which will be covered in leaves. Use Confringo to remove the leaves, and then use the same spell to explode the pillars and complete the Merlin Trial.
4 - East of San Bakar's Tower Floo Flame (Symbol cubes)

The final Merlin Trial in this region is found toward the east of San Bakar's Tower Floo Flame point. Fast travel to San Bakar's Tower, and then head east until you come across a graveyard with the symbol cubes Merlin Trial. To complete this trial, you must already have learned Flipendo by completing Professor Garlick's Assignment 2. Use Flipendo on the top blocks from all directions to rotate the cube so that the symbol on top matches the symbol at the bottom.
Looking to clear more Merlin Trials in Hogwarts Legacy? Check out How to solve the Moonstone Pillar Merlin Trials in Hogwarts Legacy, right here on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Feb 23, 2023 11:38 am