In Hogwarts Legacy, you can explore a large open world filled with quests, secrets, and puzzles to complete, such as the Merlin Trials. One of these puzzles is found in Hogwarts in the Bell Tower. The Bell Tower is missing two bells that you will need to return. Here is how to solve the Bell puzzle in Hogwarts Legacy.
Hogwarts Legacy Bell Tower Puzzle Walkthrough and Solution

The Bell Tower is located in the Bell Tower Wing of Hogwarts. Completing the Bell Tower Puzzle is linked to the All's Well That Ends Bell side quest, but can be completed anytime. It's recommended that you wait until you've unlocked the Wingardium Leviosa spell, as this allows you to control the position of floating objects. The puzzle can be completed with Levioso and Accio. However, it is significantly more challenging.
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First Owl Bell

As you climb the steps to the tower, using Revelio will highlight the first Owl Bell next to the stairs; this Bell is tough to miss. Use Wingardium Leviosa and carry to Bell to the next level, which contains the eight bells hanging where two are missing. Place the Bell in the lower rung.
Second Owl Bell

The second Owl Bell is located above the eight Bells. Head up the steps and cast Revelio. On the opposite wall, you will see the Owl Bell hanging on a rafter. Use Wingardium Leviosa and repeat the process of moving the Bell into its pace on the top rung of Bells. Once the two bells are in place, they will play a tune to indicate you have successfully solved the puzzle.
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Published: Feb 8, 2023 06:09 pm