In Hogwarts Legacy, you need to complete lot of side quests to unlock various types of spells. One such quest is In the Shadows of Time, which is a quest for Sebastian Sallow. He is a Slytherin and completing Sebastian's questline is necessary to unlock the Unforgivable Curses. To start this quest, you would go to the Feldcroft Catacomb to find Sebastian and talk to him. Here's how you can complete the Feldcroft Catacomb quest in Hogwarts Legacy.
How to complete In the Shadow of Time quest in Hogwarts Legacy

Sebastian needs your help to discover the relic that's hidden deep inside the catacomb. You will go to the catacomb with him. You will see lots of spiders once inside, which is going to make the job difficult. You can use Incendio or Confringo to burn them.

Keep moving forward through the open corridors which are connected to rooms. You will end up in a big room that is lit with torches and has a barricade. Once inside the room, you will spot an altar right in the middle. You will find bones scattered all around the altar.

To remove the blocked barricade, you need three skeletons to cover the archway. Use Revelio to find the stacked bones and Accio to bring them to you. Finally, cast Wingardium Leviosa to carry them to the barricade. Once you have completed the archway, move forward into the next room.

Here you will have a conversation with Sebastian and he will give the option to learn the Imperio Curse. You can accept and learn the curse or decline it. If you learn it, you can use Imperio on the spiders who will be coming your way once again. Remember, Imperio is a curse, which means it is best combined with spells like Confringo, Arresto Momentum, Expelliarmus, and Crucio.

After you have eliminated the spiders, open the door on the right with Bombarda or Confringo. You will again find a blocked barricade which can be unlocked by positioning the skeletons once again. However, keep in mind that in this room you'll have to work with a puzzle. The puzzle is simple, you just need to pull the hooks with Accio to match the symbols on the puzzle doors.

More spiders will appear and you both have to defeat them to move to the next room, where you will eventually find the relic. Clear the spiders that block your path and you will find a note along the lost relic's illustration. The relic is kept right beside it, and you can pick it up from the altar and take it Sebastian which will prompt a conversation.
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Should you tell Sebastian to take the relic or not in Hogwarts Legacy?

Once you go to Sebastian with the relic, you will trigger a conversation with him. Here, you have two options:
- We should leave the relic alone.
- We need the relic.
It does not matter which option you select, Sebastian will still take the relic for Anne. He will try to convince you saying its part of the greater prophecy. If you tell Sebastian to take the relic, he would be happy seeing you support his cause. If you protest against taking it, he will be disappointed in you. We supported Sebastian throughout this mission, and recommend you to do the same, as you'll face another choice down the line which involves turning in Sebastian to the authorities.
Should you side with Ominis or Sebastian in Hogwarts in Hogwarts Legacy?

While exiting the catacomb, Ominis shows up and tries to persuade Sebastian to not take it. Sebastian and Ominis will have a conversation, which ends with Sebastian storming away. Next, you will speak to Ominis and he would ask for your help to stop Sebastian. This is where you will get two dialogue options to choose from.
- Very well. Lets talk to Sebastian.
- I cannot side with you. Sebastian's right.
What you choose will decide how you exit the catacomb. You can either side with Ominis or with Sebastian. If you choose the first option and side with Ominis, he will allow you two to leave with the relic. You will make Ominis understand that he needs to trust Sebastian to know what's best. Later you will take Sebastian and leave the catacomb with the relic. If you choose Sebastian's side, then you need to use Imperio on Ominis, with his permission of course.
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Should you cast Imperio on Ominis in Hogwarts Legacy?

If you choose to side with Sebastian, you will convince Ominis that casting Imperio is the right choice to get out of the catacomb without another fight between them. Your character would implore Ominis to understand Sebastian is doing all this to cure Anne. Ominis agrees to let you cast Imperio before he changes his mind. You cast it and tell him to step aside while you two leave to which he agrees. Meanwhile, you call out to Sebastian and tell him this was the only way and leave the catacomb with the relic.
Are there any consequences for casting Imperio on Ominis in Hogwarts Legacy?

There are no consequences for any of the choices you make in this quest. The only thing that would happen is how the characters react to your choices. If you cast Imperio on Ominis, Sebastian will be miserable about the decision. He will tell you that they both always looked out for each other and never wanted this to happen, but he needs the relic for Anne's sake. You will console him by saying this is your responsibility and Ominis consciously agreed to this.
To find out more on Hogwarts Legacy check out Where to find Phoenix and Phoenix Feathers in Hogwarts Legacy on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Feb 14, 2023 09:25 am