There are tons of side quests to complete in Hogwarts Legacy. Some are not entirely important for the main storyline, but allow you to interact with the unique other characters in the world and determine your standing with them. They also can help you find some worthwhile loot, like the Collection Chests that are often found in many of the dungeons. Moonstone Garden is a dungeon you will venture off to with Poppy in hopes you can save the beasts around Hogwarts from the poachers. Here's how to navigate your way through and collect all the loot while you're at it.
How to complete Moonstone Garden in Hogwarts Legacy
This quest is part of Poppy's relationship side quests, and you can only get it by completing her prior quests, which begin at your first Beasts class. This quest begins after meeting the centaurs in the forest and receiving a letter from Poppy saying she located Moonstone Garden. You can meet her there by taking the Floo Flame to Irondale and heading southwest toward the chat bubble icon on your map.

Follow Poppy inside. You'll want to be prepared when entering. There will be Dugbogs to fight, which are scaled to your level. They aren't too hard to defeat, but their attacks can be lethal. It's always a good idea to make sure you're stocked up on Wiggenwalds before entering a dungeon like this.
At the entrance, you will be able to pull out some drawers using Accio to collect a small chest and some Galleons. To continue, head to the left side, where there is a stone door. You'll need to break through by using Confringo or Bombarda, or other destructive spells.
You'll come to a larger, overgrown area, where you'll have to fight some Dugbogs. After they are defeated, notice a Legendary Chest right above you.

Below the chest on the ground is a platform of sorts. To your right is another stone barricade you can break through. Breaking through this will reveal a moth spinner. This is what can be used to raise the platform and help you get to the chest, but you'll need to circle back for this since there are no moths nearby.
For now, continue through the Garden by breaking through the stone door on the left. There will be another small chest to collect on your right side. Keep following the path, climbing over another fallen pillar until you come to a room with more drawers. You can pull out these drawers to find a few more Galleons and then head around the left corner up the stairs to continue.
This is where you'll come to the first puzzle of the Garden. There is a barred gate with two moth spinners on either side, as well as several rune carvings and drawers along the walls before it. You'll need to find the moths to power up the spinners by pulling the drawers that match the correct symbols. Two of them have moths in them. This is how you can open them:
Where to find the moths in Moonstone Garden in Hogwarts Legacy
How to get Moth #1
The first moth is in the door on the right side with the trinity and circle with spirals symbols. To open it, you'll need to pull the drawers with the same symbols. The trinity symbol is just to the right of the door. Use Accio to pull it, and then turn to the left side and pull the circle with the spirals, which is the first drawer on the left.
How to get Moth #2

The second moth is in the door with the circle with spirals and target symbols. Both drawers you need to pull are on the left side. Again, the circle with spirals is the first symbol on the left, and then the target symbol is just to the left of the door. Use Accio to pull them in the proper order, and the door will open.
Once both doors are open, you can grab the moths by using Lumos. You'll want to guide them into the spinners to unlock the barred gate. But before you continue, you can grab one of the moths and head back to the Legendary Chest. Place the moth in the spinner, and use Depulso to spin it around, lifting up the platform and helping you reach the chest.
Related: All Moth to the Frame picture locations in Hogwarts Legacy
Then, head back to the barred gate with the moth, place a moth into each spinner, and use Depulso to spin them around until the gate opens up. You may have to hit each of them several times to gain enough momentum. Once it's open, you can walk through and come to a lowered bridge.

You won't be able to make the jump across the gap. Instead, you'll need to find a way to open up the bridge that helps you get across. Notice there are two moth spinners once again. All you need to do is move the moths from the spinners behind you into these new spinners using Lumos. Once you place them, use Depulso once again to make the spinners move with enough momentum, and the bridge will open.
With the bridge open, you can wander across to the door. However, you won't be able to open this door without some more moths. The door needs three moths to unlock it. You have two moths so far, so you can grab them and put them into the door. Then, step back away from the door and look down into the water on the right side.
How to get Moth #3

This last moth is hidden in the water below the bridge. You can't do spells in water, so you won't want to jump in after it. Instead, head around the right side ledge, and you'll notice a little patch of ground lowering into the water. You can climb down the rocks and stand on this edge to grab the moth with Lumos. As you turn and climb back up the wall, the moth will automatically fly to the spinner on the ledge above. Then you can grab it and bring it to the door.
Enter through the door and fight more Dugbogs. To your left, you can break through some more rocks to get a small chest and continue to the right. Swim across the water to grab the chest, and then you'll need to interact with the dive spot to your right. Press X/Square on it to 'dive' and move on to the next area. Keep swimming along the path until you come to the open garden.

The Moonstone will be at the very top of the tree. To get there, you'll need to head around the right side of the rocks and work your way up in a spiral. Break through the weeds by using Confringo or a similar destruction spell. Then, climb up the rocks till you reach the top. You can now collect the Moonstone from the tree. You'll need to speak to Poppy to continue the quest. She will ask if you are ready to leave, which will automatically teleport you to the hedge. However, before you leave, you'll want to make sure you grab all the possible loot, including the collection chests.
How to get all collection chests in Moonstone Garden in Hogwarts Legacy
Moonstone Garden Collection Chest #1
The first collection chest is hidden within one of the rune doors. Just like how you found the moths, you'll need to open the rune door by pulling the drawers with the matching symbols. Here's how:
The Collection Chest is behind the door with the trinity and target symbols. To open it, turn to the right and pull the trinity sign drawer. Then, turn to the left and pull the target drawer. This will reveal the chest for you to loot.
Related: All 5 Hogsmeade Collection Chest Locations in Hogwarts Legacy
Moonstone Garden Collection Chest #2
To find this collection chest, you'll first need to open the bridge by placing the two moths in the spinners and spinning them. Then, look down to the left side of the water below. You'll notice a dive spot. Jump into the water and press X/Square to interact with it. This will lead you to a secret location.
After entering the hidden room, crawl under the ruins, and you'll find a chest straight ahead of you, as well as some Galleon pouches to your right. Then, continue to the left. You'll need to climb over some more ruins and then come to a room with more Dugbogs. Once they are defeated, there will be two doors you can go through: one to the left up some stairs and one to the right. You'll want to first head toward the right by swimming across the water. Follow the corridor around, climbing through the ruins until you come to an open room where the Collection Chest is. Don't forget to check behind you for another chest.
Then head back out and take a right up the stairs to the other door. This will lead to a shortcut back to the main area once you pull the lever. You can now return to Poppy and complete the quest by placing the Moonstone in the hedge.
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Published: Feb 17, 2023 09:30 am