Hogwarts Legacy's Nintendo Switch launch had many fans and players skeptical regarding performance and visuals. Let's look at what you can expect with Hogwarts Legacy's performance on Nintendo Switch.
Does Hogwarts Legacy have good performance on Switch?
In what may be surprising, the Switch version of Hogwarts Legacy actually runs fairly well. It is obviously a downgraded version compared to the PC, PlayStation, and Xbox versions. It runs at 30 FPS for most of the game but drops in some instances, especially when flying. This version has removed or changed details such as models, environmental objects, and assets. However, for those looking to play Hogwarts Legacy on the go, the sacrifices to graphics and performance are well worth the experience.
Related: Best Hogwarts Legacy Mods
Hogwarts Legacy Switch version details
The most notable difference with Hogwarts Legacy on the Nintendo Switch is worse graphics with visual sacrifices and a drop in performance. The most notable drops are in larger areas, the open world section, and Hogwarts itself. The textures, faces, and models have taken a hit; not to say they look terrible, but it is noticeably worse than other versions.
One of the most notable differences is the loss of a true open world. The feature has been replaced with a series of interconnected areas. A result of this is several small loading times, most of which range from 30 seconds to a minute. Hogsmeade is most evident, requiring you to enter the city and the various shops and buildings through a loading screen instead of walking in.
That said, the HD Rumble in the Nintendo Switch version of Hogwarts Legacy is a nice touch, and the game performs well in both docked and handheld mode, except for longer transitions in handheld. Those who have played Hogwarts Legacy on another platform will immediately notice the differences, but for first-time players, the Switch version of Hogwarts Legacy will be a delightful look into the world of Harry Potter as a witch or wizard of their own.
Should I get Hogwarts Legacy on Nintendo Switch?
Ultimately, whether you should play Hogwarts Legacy on the Nintendo Switch comes down to portability. Playing on PlayStation, Xbox, or PC is superior to enjoying the game due to better graphics and performance. But the Switch port is done rather well and allows players on the console to play the game. As a longtime Switch player, having the option to play Hogwarts Legacy docked or on the go is worth the sacrifices.
For more information on Hogwarts Legacy, check out Hogwarts Legacy – Which house to choose & how to pick and All Revelio Field Guide Pages in Hogsmeade – Hogwarts Legacy on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Nov 14, 2023 12:50 pm