In Hogwarts Legacy, you can explore the highlands visiting different regions to complete various quests. You'll often come across different Treasure Vaults across the map, and these have chests that contain gears and other items. One of the trickier Treasure Vaults is located near the West Feldcroft Floo Flame, and you need to know how to get the chest from here. Here's how to clear the swirling leaves Treasure Vault in west Feldcroft in Hogwarts Legacy.
Where is the swirling leaves Treasure Vault in Hogwarts Legacy?

In the west Feldcroft Region, you'll find a couple of Treasure Vaults, but one of them will have a swirling leaves puzzle. Check the yellow circle on the map image above to see the exact location for the swirling leaves Treasure Vault.

Travel northwest from the Fwooper den in west Feldcroft to find this Treasure Vault. At the entrance of the vault, you'll find a couple of giant spiders. Eliminate them from a distance quickly by using a combination of spells like Confringo, Diffindo, Glacius, and others. After eliminating the spiders, enter through the crack in the mountain into the cave.
Related: How to enter the hidden Treasure Vault under Irondale in Hogwarts Legacy
How to solve the swirling leaves puzzle in the Treasure Vault in Hogwarts Legacy

Once you are inside, use Revelio and navigate toward the interior of the cave. You'll find the path is blocked by spider webs, with spider eggs on the right-hand side. Use Confringo or Incendio to burn through the webs and destroy the spider eggs.

After crossing the webs you will come across the swirling leaves inside this Treasure Vault, and the chest will appear after completing the puzzle. To solve this, you simply need to follow the swirling leaves wherever they go inside the cave.

After following the swirling leaves for a while, a chest will appear, and you can collect the loot inside. There are no other chests inside this Treasure Vault, so you can exit this cave.
Wondering how to get the Phoenix in Hogwarts Legacy? Check out Hogwarts Legacy – Phoenix Rising Walkthrough on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Feb 23, 2023 09:08 am