Hogwarts Legacy is rich with side quests that you can pick up while exploring the world and interacting with NPCs. The completion of these quests often requires players to solve puzzles, or use a variety of the spells and tricks they learn at Hogwarts. One such quest is A Thief in the Night, which is a quest given by an NPC in Irondale known as Pádraic Haggarty. In this guide, we'll tell you how you can follow the coins and find the Haggarty family heirloom in A Thief in the Night in Hogwarts Legacy.
How to find the trail of coins in A Thief in the Night Side Quest in Hogwarts Legacy

A Thief in the Night is a side quest that can be accessed from Irondale, a small hamlet which is located toward the east of the Feldcroft region. Over here, you will get to interact with an NPC named Pádraic Haggarty who runs a Beasts' byproduct shop. Upon accepting the quest, you will be tasked with following a breadcrumb trail of Galleons from in front of Mr. Pádraic's store, all the way to a Niffler Den located to the east of Irondale. The main trick here is start the mission at night time, otherwise the trails of coins will not appear, thus failing to trigger the mission. If you accept the quest during daytime, consider skipping time by accessing your map and clicking on Wait at the bottom of the screen to advance time from day to night.
Related: Hogwarts Legacy – All Ancient Magic Hotspots and How to Solve
How to complete A Thief in the Night Side Quest in Hogwarts Legacy

As mentioned prior, after you accept the side quest from the NPC Pádraic Haggarty, you need to wait, or skip time until night to trigger the trail of coins. During night time, go to Mr. Haggarty's shop, and you will find the trail of coins starting from the road beside the shop.

Keep casting Revelio after every two to three coins to keep a track of where the trail leads. The trail ends at a Niffler Den located toward the east of Irondale. The fastest way to get to this location is to simply mark the Niffler Den located southwest of the Feldcroft Catacomb Floo Flame point, and then use your Broom or Mount to reach the den. Once you reach the location, you will find one Niffler in the den called The Irondale Pilferer. Use the Nab Sack from your Spells inventory to capture the beast.

Now, all you need to do is find the Haggarty family heirloom, which can be found on top of the Niffler Den. Use Revelio to reveal its position clearly. Head up to the spot, grab the heirloom, and then report back to Pádraic Haggarty in Irondale to inform him of your findings and complete the mission. If you choose to ask Pádraic Haggarty for a price in exchange for your work, he will grant you a Niffler Mask appearance reward.
Looking for more content on quests in Hogwarts Legacy? Check out Hogwarts Legacy – Minding Your Own Business Walkthrough, right here on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Feb 21, 2023 11:47 am