In Hogwarts Legacy, you can find all kinds of magical creatures and enemies. While you can befriend some, others are not so friendly, which is why you need to know the right spells to eliminate enemies. Hogwarts is a place of mystery, but unraveling them is your task. Here is how you can kill an Inferius in Hogwarts Legacy.
What spells to use against Inferius in Hogwarts Legacy

Inferius, plural Inferi, are zombie-like creatures who walk around the world of Hogwarts Legacy. If you want to find these undead creatures, head towards Keenbridge, South of Hogwarts. You will spot Inferi by the local graveyard. Although they are dead and might seem dangerous, that's not the case. These creatures are slow moving and thus can be easily eliminated using the right spells.
Inferi are mostly immune to most spells, but they are susceptible to light and fire which means you can easily use Incendio or Confringo to cause damage. Use Incendio if you are in close proximity to the Inferi and Confringo for long range attacks. Once they are burning, you can use more fatal spells to eliminate these creatures. Take this opportunity to use the spell Bombarda to annihilate these abominations.
Related: How to get the spell for Avada Kedavra (Killing Curse) in Hogwarts Legacy
What materials do you get from Inferius in Hogwarts Legacy?
You can get the Stench of Death from Inferi, which is an important ingredient to brew a powerful potion called Thunderbrew. This potion whips up a storm around the witch or wizard who drinks it, causing major damage to all the enemies around. Alternatively, you can buy the Stench of Death from J. Pippin's Potions in Hogsmeade for 100 Galleons.
To find more on Hogwarts Legacy check out, How to Activate the Statue in Hogwarts Legacy – E-vase-ive Manoeuvre on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Feb 12, 2023 02:17 pm