Chests are the best way to gain some worthwhile loot in Hogwarts Legacy, and thankfully there are plenty of them to find. Much like the Collection Chests, Treasure Vaults are spread around the map with loot chests to claim. However, some might require a little work as you solve a quick puzzle to make the chest appear. If you care for a game of chess, this particular treasure vault in Poidsear Coast is the puzzle for you. Here's how to complete it.
How to solve the chess treasure vault puzzle in Hogwarts Legacy

This particular Treasure Vault is in the southern region of the map in the Poidsear Coast. You can take the Floo Flame to Phoenix Mountain and head directly east to get there quickly.
On the outside of the Vault, there is a barred gate with two spinners on either side. To open the gate and enter the cave, you'll need Depulso at the ready. Use Depuslo to hit the spinners and make them start spinning. You'll probably have to hit each multiple times to gain enough momentum and keep the gate open.

Once the gate opens, you can enter the main puzzle. You'll notice a chessboard that is one move off of checkmate. Using Revelio, you'll realize you won't be able to move any of these pieces. In fact, there is only one item you'll be able to move in the Vault, which can be a randomized item of either a vase or cauldron. You'll need to finish the game by checkmating the black king piece.
Related: How to enter the Treasure Vault under the Innkeeper’s Shed in Hogwarts Legacy
Use Levioso, Wingardium Leviosa, or Accio into Wingardium to lift up the item and then place it in the left diagonal space in front of the king, directly in front of the white queen. However, this won't do anything right away. It won't work until the item is an actual chess piece. To turn it into a piece, you'll need to use your Transformation spell.

Hit it with Transformation, and it will change into a Bishop and destroy the king piece. Once the king is destroyed, the chest will appear at the top of the stairs behind the board, and you can claim your loot.
There are plenty of other tricky little puzzles like this spread around the Treasure Vaults. Keep an eye out and use your critical thinking skills to claim your loot successfully. A little magic always helps as well.
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Published: Feb 20, 2023 09:09 am