Image courtesy of Eleventh Hour Games
Latest Last Epoch Patch Notes Hotfix Notes – July 2024
Learn everything you need to know about Last Epoch.
Ivan Krasnov
Darrus Myles
Saqib Soomro
Published: Jul 15, 2024 09:14 am
The Last Epoch 1.1 patch is absolutely massive and brings with it huge changes that players are sure to lose themselves in (once the downtime is over). Luckily we've got the major highlights and bug fixes listed for you below, as well as a series of fixes and smaller changes released since.
Last Epoch Hotfix Notes - July 13, 2024
This hotfix fixes the issue with the controller randomly dropping an equipped item.
- Fixed a bug for controller players that could cause an equipped item to drop to the ground
Last Epoch Patch Notes - July 12, 2024
The patch was released to address even more bugs related to the controller, localization, and Cosmetic MTX.
- Aberroth is now available for Offline modes
- The Sorcerer’s Passive 2nd Bonus now correctly shows ‘1% more damage per 2 mana cost, up to 50% more’
- Fixed an issue where interacting with the Alter of Oblivion with a controller could cause a crash
- Evade tooltip no longer shows twice
- Improvements to French Localization
- Corrected an erroneous ‘=’ in the Old Tome dialogue
- Void Cleaver now correctly shows which weapon this is a cosmetic for.
- Aberroth’s Memento now correctly shows it’s name when moused over.
- Abyssal Legend and Abyssal Vanquisher supporter pack videos have been updated
- Oblivion shot bow image has been updated to show representative VFX
- Argentum Myrmidon gameplay video update - previously it showed a level of VFX that wasn’t representative
Last Epoch 1.1.1 Patch Notes - July 11, 2024
After a number of hotfixes, the developers finally released new patch notes that addressed many of the common bugs.
- Aberroth, Herald of Oblivion has been enabled in Online Legacy Environment
- Fixed a bug where Event Horizon required level 100 to equip. Is now correctly level 80.
- Fixed a bug where Trade Cancelled messages could be sent to everyone on the server in some circumstances
- Fixed a bug where Shade of Orobyss Echoes do not display correct tooltip, and were instead showing the previously selected Echo
- Fixed a bug where Aberroth’s Fire Black Hole would lag behind the player instead of attaching to them
- Fixed a bug where Forge Guard’s Weapon Master was not granting +75% Bleed Chance as a Threshold Bonus while wielding an axe
- Fixed a bug where global conditional damage was ignoring most tags (eg. “100% more [Spell / Bow / Throwing / Minion / DoT] damage against High Health Enemies” was instead giving “100% more damage against High Health Enemies”
- Fixed a bug which could cause a delay to visually displaying enemies for a couple of seconds after loading into an Echo
- Fixed a bug where players needed to reset keybinds to Evade on a controller
- Fixed a bug where Orion and Emberwing were not displaying a health bar in Offline
- Fixed a bug where Shade of Orobyss’ Fire Cone fails to appear after the second time he casts it
Last Epoch Hotfix Notes - July 10, 2024
The hotfix was released to address a bug that was making it impossible for players to see certain bosses.
- Fixed bug causing some Bosses, such as Orion and Emberwing or Temple Guardian, to appear invisible and not move, meaning players were relying on attack visuals to defeat them.
Last Epoch Hotfix Notes - July 10, 2024
This hotfix was added to let players override the Evade skill with any other they wanted.
- Fixed an issue that allowed people to override Evade with any skill via drag/drop from skill screen.
Last Epoch Hotfix Notes - July 10, 2024
This hotfix was released a day after the 1.1 update to fix the bug where the game would disconnect.
- Fixed a bug which was causing some instances of Disconnects
Last Epoch PC 1.1 Patch Notes - July 9, 2024
Patch 1.1, released on July 9th, 2024, focuses on bringing in more endgame content to Last Epoch with a new Pinnacle Boss system, an entirely new Random Encounter system, hundreds of changes to the game's balance, a new Cycle of play, and even an all-new evade ability. Read on to get a taste of what's changing in the game.
- The Harbingers of Ruin Cycle begins July 9th at 11:00am CT! 1.0 represented our first new Cycle of play, and now 1.1 is a brand new one.
- All new characters can be created in Cycle or Legacy realms
- All 1.0 Cycle characters are now moved to Legacy
- Those characters stashes are also now moved to Legacy, and shared among similar game modes as usual
- Shared stash data includes items, resonances, gold, crafting materials, and faction progress
- Each stash from the previous cycle is now available as a remove-only stash in the appropriate Legacy stash. You may remove any of these items on any Legacy character with the same optional challenge settings and use them as normal.
- Solo Character Found characters who abandon the challenge will get their SCF stash as a remove-only stash
- Evade is an additional special ability available to all classes, and not on the action bar.
- Evade works similar to movement abilities but:
- Is not a traversal skill.
- Is available from level 1, and cannot be unequipped or swapped with other player skills.
- While evading, players can still take damage (no immunity frames).
- Comes with 2 charges, and a short cooldown.
- Evade gains cooldown recovery speed per character level
- Can be modified by abilities, affixes, and blessings.
- Can be modified drastically by Uniques.
- Added evade animations for all classes and transformations
- Harbingers are a new endgame system, leading to the Pinnacle Boss.
- Pinnacle Boss
- Access to the Pinnacle Boss is initially disabled.
- Only Online Cycle characters will have access to the Pinnacle Boss upon release.
- It will become available to all modes (Offline and Legacy) the next business day after someone defeats the Pinnacle Boss, or a week after release. Whichever comes first.
- You must slay all 10 Harbingers to gain the ability to challenge the Pinnacle Boss.
- After completing the Harbingers questline, you may spend 1 Eye to challenge the Pinnacle Boss.
- Harbingers
- Each of the 10 Monolith Timelines has an associated Harbinger, spawned on defeat of the Timeline Boss.
- Harbingers absorb abilities from the Timeline Boss that spawns them.
- The first Harbinger is unlocked after you kill the Timeline Boss in the final level 90 Normal Monolith Timeline.
- Harbinger fights can then be toggled on/off from the Boss Echo rewards panel
- Subsequent Harbingers are encountered by killing bosses in Empowered Monolith Timelines, at increasingly higher Corruption levels.
- Once a Harbinger has been defeated, it will continue to spawn in that same Empowered Timeline (if toggled on)
- Defeated Harbingers drop Harbinger Eyes. These items act as keys to access the Pinnacle Boss.
- Harbingers are guaranteed to drop an eye on first kill, with a chance to drop after that.
- Killing your first Harbinger now also unlocks Empowered Timelines
- Because of this, Alt characters can now get Empowered Timelines unlocked a bit earlier (after conquering the first level 90 Timeline instead of the third). Example:
- 1st Character - Conquers the three required Level 90 Timelines, unlocks Empowered Monoliths. Can now go conquer Empowered Timelines for Harbingers.
- Alt Character - Conquers 1 Level 90 Normal Timeline, Empowered Monoliths unlock, can now go conquer Empowered Timelines for Harbingers.
- Forgotten Knights Faction
- The Forgotten Knights Faction tracks your Harbinger progress. There’s also a Harbinger quest line.
- This faction is separate from the existing Item Factions.
- The Forgotten Knights is an Endgame Faction unlocked after you kill your first Harbinger.
- Like other factions, Forgotten Knights progress is shared among characters sharing a stash
- Faction progress is only advanced by the requirements of killing new Harbingers, in new Timelines, at the set level of Corruption
- Ranks in the Forgotten Knights Faction are unlocked with each additional Harbinger kill:
- +40% chance for Nemesis items to include an Egg of the Forgotten
- +10% chance for doubled Stability gain
- Double Harbinger Needle drop chance
- +6 Maximum Forging Potential gained by Empowering a Nemesis
- +20% additional Glyph of Envy drop chance from Harbingers
- The tiers of sealed affixes added by Empowering a Nemesis are 15% higher on average
- +1 Corruption gain per Gaze of Orobyss
- Blessings roll their value twice and pick the highest roll
- Double chance for Harbingers to drop their specific Uniques
- Slaying a Harbinger grants 1 additional Gaze of Orobyss
- Shattered Road zone added, home of the Forgotten Knights Faction.
- Party Play
- Players must have unlocked the level 90 Timelines in order to be able to join the Forgotten Knights Faction. This means that a player must be able to start an Echo by themselves in one of the level 90 Timelines.
- As a guest, defeated Harbingers will only progress the Forgotten Knights Faction and drop guaranteed Eyes as long as the difficulty and Timeline requirements are met. These can be viewed in the Factions panel.
- The Nemesis system introduces new random encounters that can spawn throughout the Campaign, Monolith, and Dungeons.
- They first appear as a floating pile of armor around the body of a powerful warrior that’s been slain by a Harbinger
- Clicking on the Nemesis brings up a menu where you can see four items from the slain warrior
- These items are always Rare, Exalted, or Unique, with bonus chances of being the latter two. They can’t be idols.
- For characters above level 50, at least one item will always be a Unique
- Nemesis type and stats are determined by zone spawned in
- Nemesis loot rolled is determined by character level
- You have three options in that menu
- Banishing the Nemesis, losing access to the items.
- Challenging it, causing you to fight it and gain the items at the end of the fight.
- Empowering it, causing you to fight it, but allowing it to escape through a time rift at the end of the fight.
- If you Empower a Nemesis, your next Nemesis encounter will feature a time rift instead of the warrior’s body and the items offered will be the same ones as before, but upgraded.
- Rare and Exalted items can have their affixes upgraded up to Tier 7 and also increase their Forging Potential to beyond the normal limit.
- They can also gain sealed affixes, up to T7. Exalted sealed affixes were previously unattainable (aside from Exalted experimental affixes when using a Rune of Research on an existing Exalted experimental affix).
- Unique items have a chance of gaining Legendary Potential, or becoming a Legendary item, with random affixes added to them.
- You can Empower a Nemesis up to two times, before you must challenge it.
- After Banishing or Challenging a Nemesis your next encounter will have a fresh set of items.
- These items will not change once they’ve been Empowered once.
- Whenever you defeat a Nemesis, regardless of whether you Challenged or Empowered it, it will also drop a pile of crafting materials. It will not drop regular loot to avoid confusion with the four items offered.
- At high levels, Nemeses may carry a special item as one of their rewards, The Egg of the Forgotten. This item can be replaced with one of your Uniques that lacks Legendary Potential or Weaver’s Will, allowing you to upgrade that Unique by the Empowering the Nemesis.
- The chance of this item appearing scales from 0% below level 60, then 20% at level 60, up to 60% at level 100.
- Rank 1 of the new Forgotten Knights Faction provides an additional +40% chance for the Egg of the Forgotten to spawn.
- If you do not replace the Egg, it will randomly transform into a different Unique.
- Party Play
- Players can individually interact with a Nemesis. The Nemesis remains after defeat, allowing each player to interact with it one at a time. Each player maintains their own current Nemesis Empower progression, but will still fight each Nemesis as a group.
- Upgradable Nemesis Weapons
- Nemeses can also drop Vengeful weapons that seek out the destruction of the Harbingers that killed them
- Killing a Harbinger while having one of these weapons equipped upgrades it to an “Avenged” version with improved stats
- There are Nemesis weapons for every weapon and off-hand type
- Channeled Skills
- Most channeled skills which prevented mana regeneration while channeling have been changed. They no longer prevent mana regeneration, but 8 mana has been added to their channel cost.
- Other modifiers to their mana costs have been adjusted where necessary to account for this change.
- The goal for this change is to reward characters that invest into mana regeneration, without negatively impacting those that do not.
- Ailments
- Frostbite now deals 50 damage (from 36)
- Blind no longer causes enemies to aim erratically. It now makes enemies unable to critically strike (from halving critical strike chance)
- Withering now has a maximum of 10 stacks (from 20)
- The bleeds inflicted by Spirit Plague’s Hemorrhage and Laceration nodes now also respect ailment conversion
- Haste, Frenzy, and Immobilize can no longer be replaced by stacks with a lower remaining duration (e.g. a Haste effect with 4 seconds remaining cannot be replaced by a new one with a 2 second duration)
- Attempting to replace a long duration Haste stack with a lower duration one will still trigger Advent of the Erased’s effect
- (Bug Fix) Fixed several cases where self-inflicted ailments were not respecting ailment conversions, such as for Harvest’s Double Edged Scythe, Diothaen’s Bloody Nib, and Bleeding Heart
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where abilities that were not supposed to be able to buffer themselves could buffer themselves in Online mode
- Fixed an issue where the Sentinel and Acolyte two-hand sword idle stance animation would stop looping after a short time
- Fixed lightning VFX on a large number of skills including Lightning Blast, Gathering Storm, Disintegrate.
- Fixed an issue where slots on the ability bar couldn’t be cleared in Online mode.
- Fixed an issue where ability VFX were offset in Offline mode.
- Updated the lighting in The Caldera of Souls
- Added additional options for viewing Endurance Threshold on the Health Globe
- Updated Communion of the Erased 2D art
- Polished visuals for some Sentinel Gear Sets
- Polished visuals for our MTX Backslots
- Added Voice Acting section to the credits
- Disintegrate has new SFX for when it increases in tiers including layered loops for each tier (for all conversions)
- Healing Hands has a new base sound and melee conversion sounds
- The environmental audio in Chapter 6 has been overhauled
- Chapter 7 has all new environmental sounds
- Monolith Gates have new SFX
- Exp tomes that drop in Monolith hub have a new pickup sound effect
- Greatly reduced play frequency of Falcon vocal sounds
- Player exertion lines/barks (no mana, can’t wear this etc.) now no longer interrupt dialogue events
- Experience requirement and XP tome changes
- Increased XP requirements of levels 98, 99, and 100 by around 20%, 40%, and 60% respectively.
- The XP from XP tomes now scales up less drastically above level 60. This effect is most noticeable above level 85.
- XP tome rewards from echoes further from the center of the web now contain more XP tomes, up to a maximum of 7 tomes (from all XP tome rewards granting 3 tomes).
- Reduced XP tome Echo reward occurrence rate by 29%-42% (larger values for lower Corruption and lower distance from the center of the echo web).
- Minimum skill level changes (character level thresholds for minimum skill levels)
- 2 at level 8 (from 10)
- 3 at level 12 (from 15)
- 4 at level 17 (from 20)
- 5 at level 24 (from 30)
- 6 at level 32 (from 40)
- 7 at level 40 (from 50)
- 8 at level 50 (from 60)
- 9 at level 60 (from 70)
- 10 at level 70 (from 80)
- Reduced experience scaling from Corruption at high Corruption values.
- Effective Corruption for calculating experience bonus increases at 25% speed after 300 Corruption (i.e. every 100 Corruption above 300 now is like 25 Corruption above 300 before).
- Effective Corruption for calculating experience bonus increases at 5% speed after 1000 Corruption (i.e. every 100 Corruption above 1000 now is like 5 Corruption above 1000 before).
- This is primarily intended to avoid reaching very high Corruption feeling necessary for effectively farming favor.
- Changed the town scene characters load into. Now, characters will not always load into End Of Time after reaching it, but instead will load the last visited town scene.
- Reduced item sell costs, especially early on.
- Added option to only display enemy health bars once damaged
- Improved ability responsiveness in Online
- Added the ability to equip a 2 Handed weapon while dual wielding and place those items into your inventory
- Added a waypoint to Sanctum of the Architect so that if you die, quit, or disconnect during the Liath or Lagon fights you don’t have to rerun the whole Temple of Lagon and Temple Depths zones.
Last Epoch's 1.1 patch notes are deeply extensive, so I've done my best to pick out the most crucial changes coming to the game. However, I recommend you pore over the notes in full to get the full breadth of what's changing in the Last Epoch.
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Published: Jul 15, 2024 09:14 am