The latest Star Wars game, LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, has plenty to offer players with its inclusion of all nine mainline films in the franchise. Players can experience the corresponding nine Episodes of the game. These Episodes contain five levels each and every level contains three Level Challenges. Some Challenges are easy to miss since players aren't prompted with a quest and must instead merely happen upon most of them. This is the case for the Challenge called Ugnaught-y in the Revelations! level of Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back.
How to complete Ugnaught-y in Revelations!

In the Level Challenge called Ugnaught-y, players are tasked with finding all of the hidden Ugnaughts throughout the level. After fighting Darth Vader, players will see a pile of objects located where he previously jumped through a cylindrical door. Destroy these objects to reveal a console that R2-D2 can hack to find the first set of Ugnaughts.
Related: How to complete the You Want to Make That Move? Challenge in LEGO Star Wars Skywalker Saga
After fighting Darth Vader for a second time, Luke is shot through a circular window. Along this scaffolding, players will find the second group of Ugnaughts. Continue along this path until you reach a corridor with several buttons leading to rooms on the left and right. The final Ugnaughts are located by pressing the second red button on the left, and finding them will complete this Challenge.
Interested in reading more about LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga? Check out How to complete the Surprise! challenge in LEGO Star Wars Skywalker Saga on Pro Game Guides!
Published: Apr 8, 2022 06:19 am