Ergo is one of the essential currencies in Lies of P, and can be used to enhance Pinocchio's skills, purchase items from merchants, unlock new weapons, and level up. However, Ergo is not easy to come by as there are a few specific ways in which you must farm it. Therefore, we've put together this comprehensive guide with which you can easily earn plenty of Ergo in a short space of time.
How to earn Ergo fast in Lies of P
Ergo serves as both currency and experience points, allowing you to buy items, weapons, and upgrades, as well as level up your skills and attributes. Ergo is also essential for progressing through the game and becoming stronger, but it can also be lost if you die. You can try the following methods to farm Ergo fast in Lies of P.
Use Stargazer and clear out an area of enemies

A quick and easy way to farm Ergo in Lies of P is to use a Stargazer to reset the enemies in an area and kill them again. A Stargazer is a device that lets you save your game, heal yourself, and travel to different places; it also respawns the same set of enemies in that particular area, so you can kill them again and get more Ergo.
The best place to execute this strategy is Krat Central Station Plaza, where you can find a Stargazer right after you leave the station. This area has many weak enemies, and you can easily farm around 2000 Ergo every time you repeat this process.
Defeat Bosses

Another way to earn Ergo fast in Lies of P is by defeating bosses and mini-bosses that drop large amounts of Ergo or Ergo Fragments. For instance, defeating the Parade Master boss rewards you with 1852 Ergo in Lies of P.
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Defeating bosses and mini-bosses not only gives you Ergo but also other rewards, such as keys that can be used to unlock locked doors and proceed further.
Krat City Hall

Krat City Hall is the second area in Lies of P, in which you'll encounter a bunch of Knights in the form of enemies. All you need to do is stand next to the electric pillars in Krat City Hall and let the Knights attack you. When one of the enemies swings his sword, the pillar will emit a shockwave, dealing damage to all the nearby characters. (Make sure to maintain a safe distance from these pillars when they activate.)
Once you clear out all the enemies, activate the nearest Stargazer and repeat the same process to farm a ton of Ergo easily.
Collect Death Ergo

Death Ergo is a combination of currency and experience resource that is lost upon death, and you must recollect it before dying again, lest you lose it. When a player dies, the Death Ergo will be dropped near where they previously died. When it comes to the boss fights, the Death Ergo is dropped at the entrance of the battle. Therefore, make sure to collect it from the ground before initiating a battle again with the boss.
For more on Lies of P, come check out Lies of P – Release Date, Pre-orders, Demo, & more! on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Sep 15, 2023 07:01 am