Our GTA RP NoPixel Characters List features a number of the main role players from the server. We're taking a look at the big gangs on the server and looking at some of the more interesting characters that have started to make a name for themselves in Los Santos.
Probably the most infamous gang in NoPixel. They're known for having big plans, lofty goals, leaning at a moment's notice, and getting into maximum hi-jinks. The gang is probably most well-known for having their plans often backfire horribly.
The whole "lean" thing is an emote you can do in-game where the character leans, even when not up against a wall.
Avon Barksdale (Lirik)
The de facto ringleader of the LeanBois, Avon is an overweight man who has diabetes, high blood pressure, and low blood sugar. The name "Avon Barksdale" is from the television show, The Wire. Avon in the show is the head of one of the most powerful gangs in Baltimore.
Lang Buddha (Buddha)
Mostly known as Buddha, he is known for his quick talking and liberal usage of obscenities in general conversation.
Al Saab (Ssaab)
One of the more chill members of the LeanBois, Saab plays kind of a smooth gangster type.
Sven Snusberg (Forsen)
Sven may or may not be a full-fledged member of the LeanBois, but he pals around with him quite frequently. Sven is from Sweden and has been dabbling in criminal enterprises since his arrival. Forsen is famous for his SNUS which are a nicotine product that can be placed under your lip.
Tony Corleone (AnthonyZ)
The Corleone name is from the infamous crime family from The Godfather books and movies series. Tony Corleone is the son of Michael Corleone, who is the crime boss of the family.

Formerly known as the LeanBois. The list contains the core and associate members of the famous group.
- Lang Buddha (Buddha)
- Tony Corleone (AnthonyZ)
- Clayvon Barksdale (LIRIK)
- Sven Snusberg (Forsen)
- Humberto Antonio (HasanAbi)
- Nino Chavez (DasMehdi)
- Al Saab (Ssaab)
- Denzel Williams (Johnthebroski)
- Ellie Dono (SodaKite)
- Yuno Sykk (Sykkuno)
- Raymond Romanov(Ray_C)
- Harry Brown (Harry)
- Mickey S (Blautoise)
- Jean Paul (XQcOW)
- Reginald Bigglesby (SirPink)
- Erin Cox (MEKABEAR)
- Trey Romano (Auxidental)
- Alexander Campbell (alexten0909)
- Kitty Dream (ikittyyy)
- Leslie Lingberg (Nidas)
- Dean Watson (dwjft)
- Marlo Stanfield (Lucky_RP)
- Eugene Zuckerberg (VaderLive)
- Penny Farthing (Raine)
- Cassie Cupcake (Ashlynn)
- Vasily Sazkaljovich (Aleks)
- Tori Bologna (BRIT)
- Nancy Drew (Kate Stark)
- Dreah Johnson (suzy_q)
- Eve Summers (Eagleye)
- Jolie Paul (Pokimane)
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Prune Gang
Now, just because most of the Prune Gang is old, it doesn't mean they don't go hard. You tangle with one member, you'll have a geriatric crew coming at you strong.
Dale Morris (TimTheTatman)
Dale Morris is from Alabama and is a red-blooded American who drinks beer and drives a 4x4 Jeep Wrangler. He is Assistant to the Regional Manager at the Cluckin' Bell, which is a reference to The Office. He's married with one child, and he can get you a job at the Cluckin' Bell if you're nice to him. Dale has recently joined the ranks of the Prune Gang.
Eugene (Vader)
Largely viewed as the leader of the Prune Gang, he's a bit of a forgetful old man who will regale you with stories that may or may not be true.
Gladys Berry (Mick)
A sassy gal who is quick to take a baseball bat out and start swinging!
Melbert Rickenbacker (Spaceboy)
Melbert is an old feller who wears a signature green polo and tan old man shorts.
Yung Dab (MoonMoon)
One of the newer additions to the gang is Yung Dab. While not fitting the traditional role of being prune-y, he brings a bit of youth to the posse. Yung Dab is also one of the most prolific rappers in Los Santos, you can find his hard hitting raps on his SoundCloud. He's also in a life or death battle with Lil Erf.
Kevin Whipaloo (Sodapoppin)
Soda plays kind of an awkward mid-twenties character who is one of the few people trying to stay out of crime.
Celine LaCroix (Pokimane)
Celine is a relatively recent arrival from France to the city. She has been integrating into the scene and has been hanging out with the Prune Gang.
Chang Gang

- Boe Jangles (bLuE622)
- Charles Johnson (Summit1g)
- Dequarius "Big D" Johnson (Coolio770)
- Garret Jobless (JoblessGarrett)
- Mr. Kebun (Lord_Kebun)
- Ramee El-Rahman (Ramee)
- Randy Bullet (RatedEpicz)
- Taco Prince (OfficialTaco_)
- Vinny Pistone (Shotz)
- Uchiha Jones (cyr)
- Bobby Brown (GreenishMonkey)
- Pablo Wealth (SAkiller)
- Karen Dahmer (AvaGG)
- Allen Widemann (Hotted89)
- Anthony Murphy (BoschMerchant)
- Novah Walker (KatFires)
- Hutch Hutcherson (HutchMF)
- Juan Carlos Hernandez (Silent)
- Curtis Swoleroid (CurtisRyan)
- Francis J Francer (Koil)
- P Money (pmoney)
- Miguel Almerion (swizzMB)
- Mari Posa (adeptthebest)
- Fernando Reyes (qmariox)
- Autumn Rhodes (Autumn)
- Judd Lincoln (Judd)
- April Fooze (Fuslie)
- Murphy Braun (Murphy Braun)
- Lil Erf (AndyMilonakis)
- Ray Mond (Valkyrae)
- Chad Brodie (Metawrist)
- Jaylen Carter (Meraldje)
- Jack Ripley (MattRP)
- Yuno Sykk(Sykkuno)
- Tony Andrews(Five0AnthO)
The Mandem
- Tommy Tate (Zerkaa)
- Adam Ababwa (KhaosAdam)
- Dwanye Flores (Wiked)
- Eli Porter (Klutch)
- Moses Khan (Neloc_C)
- Dean Quincy (Deansocool)
- Patar Bellosh (Moose_Taffy)
- Vince Watson (Jfourmess)
- Lana Valentine ( viviana)
Gulag Gang
- Jean Paul (XQcOW)
- Ming Jingtai (Ming)
- Curtis Swoleroid (CurtisRyan)
- Maria Poser(adeptthebest)
- Randy Buffet(RatedEpicz)
- Jack Cortair (Jack)
- Taco prince (Official Taco)
- Marty Banks (Omie)
- Julian Santoro (Julian)
- Mickey S (Blautoise)
- Appie Turk (appyturk)
- Larry Knox (ripoozi)
- Selena Martinez (Pinkchyu)
Drug Kingpins
Eastside Ballas Gang - Retired
- Curtis Davis (Eastside Ballas)
- Tyrone Biggums (Zombie_Barricades)
The Families (Grove St. Families Gang)
- Chef (SmokySloth)
- Dexx Martin (Afro)
- Tayvadius Jamarcus (Smokysloth)
- Tyerese Tyrone (LarryX7)
- Donovan King (Intelleqt)
- Lilian Mackenzie (Kelskatz)
- Summer Mersion (Cathfawr)
- Smino Brown (SkitxO)
- Russel Crawley (Bitterfox)
- Carter Banx (Lordnetloc)
- Jerome Jackson (Irexti)
- Marcus Black (Twistedbones)
- Leland Jones (AfricanSnowBall)
- Debo Davis (Sal_Rosenberg)
- Billy Sprinkle (BananaDuck)
- Ghost Storm (Kezieeve)
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- Claire Everly (LunaOni)
- Pierre Paul (XQcOW)
- Lea Nova (Rerolldata)
- Tessa Lamb (Nakkida)
- Connie Clark (Fuslie)
- Misa Price (marsziipan)
- Matt Rhodes (curvyelephant)
- Cadet Bobby Smith (ImmortalHD)
- Cadet Mikey Dias (CallMeGrub)
- Chief of Police Dante Wolf (LeWolfy)
- Chief of Police Snow (uhSnow)
- Assistant Chief of Police Kareem (Bkprimal)
- Brittany Angel (Kyliebitkin)
- Corporal Colt Shepherd (A_Hired_Gun)
- Deputy John Archer (FortyOne)
- Deputy Kurt Leonard (Miggitymaan)
- Detective Vladimir Raven (Lt_Raven)
- Jenny Hall (NikkisARiot)
- Lt. Frank Williams (Stoner_Minded)
- Lt. Ripley (MattRP)
- Lt. Ziggy Buggs (Ziggy)
- Officer Garry Berry (JoblessGarrett)
- Officer Stephen McClane (CurtisRyan_)
- Park Ranger Conan Clarkson (Ramee)
- Scarlett Winters (Spekel)
- Sheriff Travis Tribble (ConfusedDevil)
- Trooper Daddy Copper (Hirona)
- Trooper Dupont (Kinamazing)
- Trooper Soze (Koil)
- Trooper Tony Andrews (Five0antho)

- Norman Yoder (Burn)
- Reggie Might (Simo)
- Cameron Dupres (AnimatedJF)
- Norman Bones (Ziggy)
- Rachael Parker (Nakkida)
- Lou Pohl (Jr_H)
- Murphy Braun (murphybraun)
- Judge Coyote Russell (Judd)
- Judge Dennis LaBarre (Airborne)
- Kevin Shaw (Curvyelephant)
- Paralegal: Koi Pish (KillrBeauty)
- Murphy Braun (captainmurphy)
- Paralegal: Abigail Bliss (Swebliss)
- Nora Dupres (JPKMoto)
- Emma Gaine (Jogiiee)
- Luna Rivera (Katiebunny94)
- Noah Drake (WTFgamenation)
- Agnes Ranbough (Cruchy)
- Mila Smoak (SuperBunneh)
- Kiki Pendragon (amRainbowBee)
- AEMT Sarah Ableton (Tara_)
- Amara Harte (RemiTheSiren)
- Brenda Pancake (Ashlynn)
- Dr. Choi Zhangsun (Docchoi)
- Dr. Isaac (ConnorCronus)
- Dr. Kai King (Digitsuna)
- EMS Boba Stone (Whiteboylemons)
- EMS Hedi (Hedisaurus)
- EMS Rowen Hunter (Matchasmash)
- Lizzie Bien (Loserfruit)
- Pixie Plum (Madmoiselle)
Lil Erf (AndyMilonakis)
Lil Erf is trying to make it as a rapper, he resorts to a life of crime in an attempt to fund his rap career. He really hates Yung Dab. You can check out some of his tracks on his SoundCloud.
More Characters
- Aaron Flocko (Flocko1400)
- Alabaster Slim (Kyle) (Prune Gang Affiliated)
- Allen Widemann (Hotted89)
- Angie Essketit (Jayce)
- Anita Blunt (Kaceytron)
- Billy Hill (JoblessGarrett)
- Bogg Dann (pokelawls)
- Bovice (SmokySloth)
- Buck Colton (CinnamonToastKen)
- Buddy Black (Nmplol) (Real Estate Agent)
- Ducksworth (t3r0_)
- Edna Moose (Kitboga)
- Ellie Dono (SodaKite)
- Evita Nimm aka Mother (Kiwo)
- Gomer Colton (Timmac)
- Graham Hauttogs (Captainmurphy)
- Grant Mason (Spekel)
- Grimoire “Gremlin” Carolynn Hauttogs III (CrunchyShuffles)
- Hilda Bulking (Pandagirl91)
- Irwin Dundee (Whippy)
- Jacob Harth (Afro)
- James Tinklebottom (Whippy)
- Jean-Pierre (xQcOW) (Perma Dead?)
- Jesus (Koil)
- Jimmy Bending (Shrimp_)
- Joe Mullet (JaboodyShow)
- Jonelle Jones (Nefariouscharm)
- Jose Martin Perez (FortyOne)
- JP Visser (Loqrin)
- Judd (Judd)
- Kelly Smith (Rlly)
- Khaleesi White (Khaleesi_Live_Tv)
- Kiki Chanel (MiltonTPike1)
- Lucas Ortiz (FortyOne)
- Nino Chavez (dasMEHDI)
- Olivia Harvey (Abbay)
- Outto-Tune Tyrone (LAGTVMaximusBlack)
- Ping Ping (Anomaly)
- Rajj Patel (RajjPatel)
- Ricardo Perez (Jubby)
- Ron Otterman (SilentSentry) (News Anchor)
- Rudi Rinsen (Darthbob77) (Lost MC)
- Rusty Johnson (Kite61) (Affiliated to Chang Gang?)
- Ryan Kindle (dasMEHDI)
- Sal Rosenberg (Sal_rosenberg)
- Sayid Mitra (Afro)
- Sergei Sazkaljovich (ImmortalHD)
- Siz (UberHaxorNova)
- Snake (SilentSentry)
- Stan Wheeler (Markiplier) - "Also known as “Stan the Water Man”, this blue shirted 39 year old will stop at nothing to deliver water to anyone who needs it."
- Steve Mathis (GloryD)
- Sun Moon (Kimchi)
- Tay Tay Tyrone (Greekgod)
- Tessa Lamb (Nakkida)
- Thatzo Rayvin (ShrapnelYeti)
- Tommy Cruizer (JustJamieHDG)
- Tori "Corleone" Bologna (MsBrit)
- Trisha Baggs (Kiwo)
- Uchiha Jones (Cyr)
- Vasily Sazkaljovich (ImmortalHD)
- WindSong (Charlieblossom_)
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Published: Feb 22, 2022 02:25 pm