ARAM is a lighthearted game mode in League of Legends, where each person plays a random champion and marches down a narrow battlefield. In this mode, you can easily try new champions and learn their abilities, all in a low-stakes environment. However, sometimes you are assigned a champion with a complicated list of abilities, and you'd prefer to switch champions. With rerolls, you can pick a different random champion, although you must earn these rerolls over time. Here's how to get more rerolls in the ARAM game mode in League of Legends.
How to get more rerolls in LoL ARAM

To get more rerolls in ARAM, you must play a total of two ARAM games. Each game of ARAM gets you halfway to your next reroll, unless you own every champion. If you own all champions in League of Legends, you will receive one reroll every game. This design was implemented to prevent players from intentionally using a small repertoire of champions to ensure they always get their mains. If you use a reroll, but a player leaves and the match is terminated in champion select, your reroll will be refunded.
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How to check how many ARAM rerolls you have

To view how many ARAM rerolls you have, select the Profile tab on the client. At the bottom left of this page, there is a reroll icon next to the chest icon. The number underneath this icon displays how many rerolls you have available. If you hover over this icon, you can view your progress toward the next reroll.
For more League of Legends guides, come check out Should you reroll into random skin permanent in League of Legends? here on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Jan 25, 2023 02:41 pm