Although Lords of the Fallen may not be open-world like Elden Ring, there are still plenty of paths and secrets to uncover as you make your way through the dark world of Axiom and Umbral. You may have noticed some unique floating lanterns surrounded by red butterflies on your journey and have yet to figure out what they are for. Don't worry; we have all the details for you below, including how you can activate them and earn some special loot for falling through.
How to activate the Red Butterfly Lanterns in Lords of the Fallen
The remnants of lanterns outlined in red butterflies in certain areas signify that another online player has fallen to an enemy somewhere nearby in their own world. While you may wonder what this has to do with you, it is actually a nice way to earn some extra loot and XP. Here's how you can active that lantern and fulfill its avenging task:

When you see a spectral lantern surrounded by red butterflies in the area, you can activate it by using your Umbral Lantern. To do this, lock onto the spirit lantern and use your Soul Flay ability. Once you do this, you will see the red butterflies begin to lead you.

Continue to follow the Red Butterflies until you see an enemy with a peculiar name displayed over top of it. This enemy will have the name of the player it has slain and the same red butterflies flying around it. This is not particularly a boss, just the enemy that happened to kill the other player, usually one that is slightly stronger than the common grunt. You can kill the enemy to get revenge and earn a special reward: sometimes currency to buy items, like eyeballs and coins, and some XP.
Once you complete the Red Butterfly Lantern task, it will disappear from your world, having been successfully avenged. You may come across more of these lanterns as you continue your journey through the different areas. If you're feeling tough and want to take on the enemies, it can be a great way to pick up some extra items and XP, but do so at your own risk.
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Published: Oct 14, 2023 05:35 pm