In Lost Ark, Mokoko Seeds are the most abundant collectibles you can find, and can be located in just about every area of the game. When found, they are initially a dark green but then glow once you've interacted with them. Some are really easy to find, while others are a little trickier and require different prerequisites. There are nine Mokoko Seeds to seek out and collect in Yorn's Cradle within Yorn.
Once you have reached Tier 2 and have an Item Level of at least 600, you will have access to the entirety of the continent of Yorn. All of the Mokoko Seed locations are shown below and are circled in red.
Related: All Mokoko Seed Locations in Nia Village in Lost Ark
Where to find all Mokoko seeds in Yorn's Cradle in Lost Ark

- Mokoko Seed #1
- This seed requires players to have the song Romantic Weapon near a group of beer kegs found on the docks.
- Mokoko Seed #2
- This seed is tucked away but visible in plain sight.
- Mokoko Seed #3
- This seed requires you to enter through a hidden area, as shown below.
- Mokoko Seed #4
- This seed is in plain sight, in front of a beer keg.
- Mokoko Seed #5
- This seed also requires you to use the Romantic Weapon song.
- Mokoko Seed #6
- So long as you have 300 Charisma, you can enter a secret area to find this seed.
- Mokoko Seed #7
- You can find this seed after playing the Romantic Weapon song in front of the metal container.
- Mokoko Seed #8
- So long as you have 300 Wisdom, you can enter a secret area to find this seed.
- Mokoko Seed #9
- This seed is interesting because it requires you to enter a completely different area through the Faded Quarry. The location of this area is indicated on the map above as an arrow.
For more Lost Ark, check out both All Mokoko Seed Locations in Red Moonshade in Lost Ark and Where to find the ninth Giant’s Heart in Hypnos’s Eyes in Lost Ark? only on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Oct 19, 2022 07:51 am