Lost Ark is an action-adventure MMO that features a nearly overwhelming amount of content for players to experience. One type of collectible to find is Hidden Stories. You can see these by opening your Adventurer's Tome and looking at the right of this menu. One of these is A Knight in Shining Armor.
A Knight in Shining Armor hidden story collectible is tricky as it requires you to go to three different spots. It has a time limit as it gives you buff, and you must collect them before this wears off. So you will need to move quickly to complete this one. You can find the three locations below.
Related: How to level fast in Lost Ark?
All Knight in Shining Armor locations
Location One - Traveler's Nook

The first letter is found in Loghill. You will find it slightly north of the Traveler's Nook Triport. Walk up to the fence northeast of the teleporter, and you will find the letter in between this fence and the bush, on top of the rope spool. Once it appears, interact with it to collect it.
Location Two - Entrace to Ankumo Mountain

Players can find the second letter after entering Ankumo Mountain from Loghill. Continue past the entrance, and you will see two NPCs sitting down. Just past them is the letter underneath a maple tree. Once it appears, interact with it to collect it.
It is quicker to use your mount to get there from the first Knight in Shining Armor location than to teleport to the Border Watch.
Location Three - Makeshift Infirmary

The third and final letter in the Rethrasmis Border, so teleport to the Regria Monastery. From there head is in the Makeshift Infirmary, southeast of the monastery. You will see a priest named Jelkin there. Go down until you see a group of Plague Priests. The letter is beside the cart behind them. Once it appears, interact with it to collect it and complete A Knight in Shining Armor.
For more information on Lost Ark, check out Where to farm Solar Salt in Lost Ark? and How to change mouse controls in Lost Ark? on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Feb 9, 2022 10:03 am