Lost Judgement follows private detective Takayuki Yagami as he investigates Akihiro Ehara's involvement with the appearance of a dead body. As you search for clues, you will sometimes come to places you don't have access to.
To get into these areas, you may have to break in. Players can do this by picking locks. Lock picking is an art and must be done with precision. In Lost Judgement, picking a lock is done by moving pins into position. The left stick will change the pin depth while the right pick will move the pick up and down.
Related: How to heal in Lost Judgement?
You must use the pick (Right analog) to push the pins upward until the notch on the pin is level with the lock's shear line. The notch may be hard to see sometimes, so it is best to use the pick gently. Do this by slightly moving the right analog upwards gently. Once you get close, the top half of the pin will turn gold. When you have pushed the pin into position, there will be a sound effect, and the part of the pin below the notch will drop.
Be careful not to push the pin too high, or the lock will reset. While you should be gentle with the pick, some locks will have a time limit that forces you to move quicker. Once you have successfully aligned all of the pins, the lock will be picked and you can proceed.
For more information on this game, check out Lost Judgement on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Sep 21, 2021 05:43 am