The Sniffer is a new Minecraft mob added in 1.20 with a bizarre appearance and rare origin. Sniffers dig decorative plants out of the dirt and moss blocks, but do they have another use? Can you ride Sniffers in Minecraft, and if so, how?
Riding Sniffers in Minecraft
You cannot ride Sniffers in Minecraft. The creatures are not tameable like Donkeys, Horses, or Pigs, and cannot have a saddle placed on them. Sniffers are passive, meaning you can fence them in and not be attacked, but they are also not able to be used for anything apart from digging up Torchflower Seeds. And you can place a lead on a Sniffer and pull them around. However, there is also a sneaky way to get around this restriction:
How to use commands to ride Sniffers

In Minecraft 1.19, a new command was added to the game called /ride. This command will allow you to ride the nearest entity. However, you need to enter a specific command. Use the command below, replacing (player name) with your Minecraft name.
/ride (player name) mount @e[type=minecraft:sniffer,limit=1,distance=..10]
Remember, you’ll need cheats enabled for you to use this command. And it’s unlikely you can use this on most multiplayer servers. You also can’t control the Sniffer or direct it to move where you’d like. As a result, it’s just a bit of a novelty for getting cool screenshots or surprising your friends!
For more Minecraft guides, info, and more, check out Minecraft 1.20 has been dubbed Minecraft Trails and Tales Update on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Jun 7, 2023 02:40 pm