In Monster Hunter World, Quality Bone is an uncommon material used in a lot of crafting recipes. It's used to upgrade weapons in both Master Rank and High Rank weapons as well as a few charms and pieces of armor. Below, you can find out how to find Quality Bone and the best ways to farm it in Monster Hunter World.
Where to find Quality Bone in Monster Hunter World
Quality Bone is an uncommon bone found in Bonepiles in High Rank and Master Rank locations in all locales, including the Hoarfrost Reach added with Iceborne. If you want to obtain Quality Bones, the best way is to go on High Rank expeditions and gather at the Bonepiles. Lookout for any locale that has a Upsurge: Bonepile effect, as you’ll be able to increase the drop chance of bones this way.
How to farm Quality Bone in Monster Hunter World
Beyond just heading out on expeditions, you can obtain Quality Bone from Tailraider Safaris. The two Tailraider Safaris that reward Quality Bones are ones to the Coral Highlands and Rotten Vale that target Raphinos. Additionally, any Tailraider Safari that heads to a Bonepile as one of their destinations has a chance to obtain Quality Bones.
Investigations that reward Quality Bone in Monster Hunter World
High Rank investigations into killing Small Monsters reward Quality Bone. Investigations into hunting Gastadon, Shamos, Girros, and Raphinos all have at least a 12% chance to drop Quality Bones as rewards at all ranks (bronze, silver, and gold).
Quests that reward Quality Bone in Monster Hunter World
Finally, these items have a small chance of dropping as a reward from almost all High Rank quests. To optimize your farming of Quality Bones, combine Tailraider Safaris, High Rank quests, investigations, and Lucky Vouchers into your hunt rotation. Lucky Vouchers provide you additional rewards when used, which will certainly help you get the Quality Bones you need.
For more Monster Hunter World guides and info, check out Monster Hunter World: Iceborne – To Our World Quest on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Jun 15, 2022 07:36 am