In Monster Hunter World, some commissions may require you to capture a Platinumfish to complete them. Finding this elusive fish can be annoying if you don't know where to look, but thankfully I have just the place where you can always find one.
Where to find a Platinumfish in Monster Hunter World (Map)
Platinumfish can be found throughout a few different areas, but by far the easiest place to both find and farm them is within the Eastern Camp, Zone 8 of the Elder Recess.

Eastern Camp is one of your main camps located in the Elder Recess, meaning it is very easy to gain access to the Platinumfish's location at all times, and without additional travel hassle. As soon as you spawn, look to the crystalline pool of water directly to your left. There you'll find a dozen fish swimming around inside, with a surefire Platinumfish somewhere within.
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I recommend fishing up all the fish in this pool of water until you find it. As implied, you'll need to make use of your Fishing Rod to do so. Don't worry; all Hunters are given a Fishing Rod, so just scroll to it in your inventory and equip it. Once equipped, cast your rod and wait for a bite. This pool also may contain a Great Platinumfish, which will require you to play a QTE (Quick Time Event) mini-game before you can capture it. Note that if your commission requires you to capture a normal Platinumfish, a Great Platinumfish does not count.
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Published: Jan 4, 2024 07:53 pm