In the world of gaming, Mortal Kombat has been the pinnacle of gore in games since its first launch, and in today’s time, Mortal Kombat has yet to disappoint. With tons of playable characters in the game, Fatalities are one of the things that really makes each character special from one another, and with the list below, let’s look at all Fatalities in Mortal Kombat 11.
Ranking all the best Fatalities in Mortal Kombat 11
In this list, we will be ranking each Fatality according to each gore level, in-characterization, and creativity. For example, we have to see how brutally dismembered, bloody and unrecognizable the enemy is after each Fatality. The more they suffered and the more unidentifiable they were, the higher the score.
Our points will also consider how the Fatality fits perfectly with the character doing it. If it’s the type of Fatality that any character in the MK11 universe can do, then it’s not really unique to its character. The more generic the Fatality is, the fewer points it will be given. Plus, we value how unexpected and unique the Fatality is aesthetic. The more flashy, the more points!
25. Shao Khan

Back Blown Out
While this Fatality has an exceptional amount of gore, it is literally just two swings of a hammer. It does pass the creativity score for having the head launch through Shao Khan’s enemy’s back.
- Gore: 7 / 10
- Character: 4 / 10
- Creativity: 5 / 10
Shao Khan's second Fatality shows off the same kind of vibe as his first, but it’s less gorey. It's still only a few swings of a hammer and spear.
- Gore: 4 / 10
- Character: 5 / 10
- Creativity: 5 / 10
Overall score: 30 / 60
24. Jax Briggs

Still Got It
Jax pulls out the enemy’s arm and uses it as a baseball bat for their head. As gory as it sounds, compared to other Fatalities in this list, it just doesn't quite compare. We have to admit—it shows Jax’s character really well, but creativity-wise, we’ve seen a lot of other characters do this on many other mediums.
- Gore: 7 / 10
- Character: 9 / 10
- Creativity: 4 / 10
Coming In Hot
Gore-wise, Coming in Hot is not too bloody or explosive. It is not at all unique; anyone in MK11 can punch hard enough to break a person in half.
- Gore: 6 / 10
- Character: 7 / 10
- Creativity: 2 / 10
Overall score: 35 / 60
23. Kano

Face Like a Dropped Pie
This Fatality is personally very disappointing. A few head butts, and that’s it. We mean, it’s a bit gory in the end, but a head explosion is usually just an extra detail in many other Fatalities.
- Gore: 6 / 10
- Character: 2 / 10
- Creativity: 2 / 10
Last Dance
Not much happens after Kano stabs a broken bottle into his enemy except for excessive bleeding. Still, this one gets brownie points for dancing with the corpse.
- Gore: 5 / 10
- Character: 10 / 10
- Creativity: 10 / 10
Overall score: 35 / 60
22. Jade

Pole Dance
All the gust and blood flying around while her enemy spins get her excellent points in gore and creativity. It doesn’t tell all too much about Jade and what makes her Fatality unique to her.
- Gore: 8 / 10
- Character: 6 / 10
- Creativity: 9 / 10
Bow Before Me
Excellent when it comes to blood and gore but it fails to be unique to its character and is just another generic tearing of limbs with nothing really extra or surprising going on.
- Gore: 10 / 10
- Character: 4 / 10
- Creativity: 3 / 10
Overall score: 40 / 60
21. Kabal

The presentation of gore with Kabal’s hooks is excellent but really lacks the show of his character and special abilities. It also doesn’t show anything considered aesthetically unique in Kabal’s Hooked Fatality.
- Gore: 8 / 10
- Character: 4 / 10
- Creativity: 4 / 10
Road Rash
The amount of gore and brutality in this fatality leaves his victim unidentifiable. It's also a personal favorite, as it perfectly shows off Kabal’s super speed abilities, which we never see in other fatalities. How Kabal could have something as cool as Road Rush and lame as Hooked is beyond us.
- Gore: 10 / 10
- Character: 9 / 10
- Creativity: 7 / 10
Overall score: 42 / 60
20. Geras

Peeling Back
Imagine getting your entire front half peeled off by Geras’ bare hands—that’s why the gore points for this Fatality are at max. However, it’s nothing new in the MK11 universe, many other characters can do just the same.
- Gore: 10 / 10
- Character: 7 / 10
- Creativity: 6 / 10
Phasing Through Time
This Fatality shows off Geras’ ability and his capability in battle. However, punching people until they die is not exactly as grand as other Fatalities in MK11.
- Gore: 8 / 10
- Character: 8 / 10
- Creativity: 3 / 10
Overall score: 42 / 60
19. Jacqui Briggs

Nothin' But Neck
The amount of gore in this Fatality is chef’s kiss quality, showing off a very grand display of its brutality by slicing her enemy in half. However, it does tell little about her personality besides the fact that Jacqui is a techy person.
- Gore: 10 / 10
- Character: 5 / 10
- Creativity: 9 / 10
Spider Mines
Gore points for this are high for all the mini-explosions on each of the enemy’s limbs. Nevertheless, mini-explosions aren’t a new thing in MK11.
- Gore: 10 / 10
- Character: 5 / 10
- Creativity: 4 / 10
Overall score: 43 / 60
18. Cassie Cage

I <3 U
Cassie performs a super gorific performance in this Fatality, showing her character through it like no other in MK11. Her carefree attitude compliments her overall performance.
- Gore: 8 / 10
- Character: 10 / 10
- Creativity: 9 / 10
Gore is exceptionally present in this Fatality, but a lame kick in the ball after a few gunshots doesn’t seem all that impressive.
- Gore: 9 / 10
- Character: 5 / 10
- Creativity: 6 / 10
Overall score: 47 / 60
17. Frost

Ice Sculpture
Ice Sculpture is true artwork and unique use of her ice powers, different from Sub-Zero’s. It shows excellent use of her powers, tech, and combat capabilities.
- Gore: 7 / 10
- Character: 9 / 10
- Creativity: 9 / 10
The Cyber Initiative
There is a surprising lack of blood and guts in this Fatality. Though, it does show off a lot of lore and things to know about Frost as a character in the MK11 universe.
- Gore: 3 / 10
- Character: 10 / 10
- Creativity: 10 / 10
Overall score: 48 / 60
16. Kollector

Head Lantern
Gore levels are definitely up there for this one, showing us the variety of things that Kollector can do to kill you. Unfortunately, this Fatality is just a boring head smash with a lamp, nothing really flashy or extravagant.
- Gore: 10 / 10
- Character: 7 / 10
- Creativity: 4 / 10
For the Kollection
From hands tearing his enemy apart to hands collecting the spoils of his successful kill, this Fatality truly shows character and gore that fits the Kollector so well. We'd definitely have ranked this character higher if it weren't for the disappointment that's Head Lantern.
- Gore: 10 / 10
- Character: 10 / 10
- Creativity: 8 / 10
Overall score: 49 / 60
15. Liu Kang

Belly of the Beast
Two words: exploding limbs—what more can we say about gore? It's also very Liu Kang of him to use nunchucks to finish off the remains of his enemy’s body. But explosions alone are not really enough to give this Fatality a higher creativity score.
- Gore: 10 / 10
- Character: 9 / 10
- Creativity: 5 / 10
Burn Out
Again, with his enemies' exploding body in a style that brings an homage to Bruce Lee. Great gore and great characterization, but strong punches are pretty common in even non Fatalities in the MK11 universe.
- Gore: 10 / 10
- Character: 10 / 10
- Creativity: 5 / 10
Overall score: 49 / 60
14. Sub-Zero

Frozen in Time
This one's a true spine-chilling and back-breaking Fatality. It shows off the great control of Sub-Zero’s ability on ice and his raw strength after he pulls off his enemy's spine from the front.
- Gore: 10 / 10
- Character: 10 / 10
- Creativity: 9 / 10
Ice-Cutioner's surprisingly lackluster gore and the boring use of sharp objects, don't actually stand out compared to other Fatalities that use sharp weapons. However, it shows off Sub-Zero's control over ice and how unstoppable his power is.Â
- Gore: 5 / 10
- Character: 10 / 10
- Creativity: 5 / 10
Overall score: 49 / 60
13. Sonya Blade

To the Choppa
From being thrown upwards a few feet away from a helicopter’s spinning blades to being shot in mid-air until you're pushed into the blades, the devs really paid close attention to Sonya's military background for this kill. Still (and it just is because it's not a highly fantastic character), we didn't find the move too creative.
- Gore: 10 / 10
- Character: 10 / 10
- Creativity: 6 / 10
Supply Drop
Having a heavy metallic robot turret drop on you breaking your body in half while you’re barely alive is a top-tier gory way to go. Again, this move's a great show of Sonya’s resourcefulness and is delivered with gore.
- Gore: 10 / 10
- Character: 10 / 10
- Creativity: 4 / 10
Overall score: 50 / 60
12. Kotal Kahn

Kat Food
While lacking in a dynamic presentation, this Fatality plenty shows off Kotal Kahn’s power and character. And, it's a little biased of us, but Kat Food is a very funny name, so we're adding more points for the character.
- Gore: 9 / 10
- Character: 9 / 10
- Creativity: 6 / 10
Totem Sacrifice
The gore on this one is on point. From sound effects to overkill, this Fatality perfectly represents a brutal ancient way of sacrificing.
- Gore: 10 / 10
- Character: 10 / 10
- Creativity: 7 / 10
Overall score: 51 / 60
11. Skarlet

Heart Condition
Heart Condition really surprised us with its show of hemokinesis through a literal heart attack and high blood pressure. High points for creativity but minus points for the lack of blood spilled.
- Gore: 6 / 10
- Character: 10 / 10
- Creativity: 9 / 10
Bloody Mess
If we could score a move 11 points for gore, it'd be this. Bloody Mess is an excellent showcase of Skarlet's power and capability. However, Impaling enemies is pretty common in MK11. Sorry, Skarlet!
- Gore: 10 / 10
- Character: 10 / 10
- Creativity: 6 / 10
Overall score: 51 / 60
10. Johnny Cage

Who Hired This Guy
Not much gore in this Fatality compared to others, but it perfectly encapsulates Johnny’s character. Who knew bringing laughter into a bloody mess could be so charming?
- Gore: 6 / 10
- Character: 10 / 10
- Creativity: 10 / 10
Mr. Cage's Neighborhood
We have the same comments for his second Fatality. Mr. Cage's Neighborhood is a great show off of his strength and character.
- Gore: 6 / 10
- Character: 10 / 10
- Creativity: 10 / 10
Overall score: 52 / 60
9. Kung Lao

Meat Slicer
The creative use of Kung Lao’s hat really lets him live up to the name of meat slicer. But besides being a user of magic and a man with a deadly hat, it doesn’t give off too much character.
- Gore: 10 / 10
- Character: 6 / 10
- Creativity: 8 / 10
Headed Nowhere
Brutality is off the charts with this Fatality. Chopped body parts all over and shows off Kung Lao’s ability and creative use of it.
- Gore: 10 / 10
- Character: 9 / 10
- Creativity: 9 / 10
Overall score: 52 / 60
8. Cetrion

Good and Evil
The amount of overkill in Cetrion’s Fatality is a great show of the creative use of her power and character. Moreover, immobilizing her enemy, growing and stepping on them, growing again, and laser shooting her enemy is another level of godlike overkill.
- Gore: 10 / 10
- Character: 10 / 10
- Creativity: 9 / 10
Maintaining Balance
Compared to her previous Fatality, this has slightly less gore and is not as creative as her first. But it tells us about her ability and capability in combat, plus character points.
- Gore: 8 / 10
- Character: 9 / 10
- Creativity: 6 / 10
Overall score: 52 / 60
7. Kitana

Royal Execution
Though the amount of gore and presentation of the usage of her weapons, Kitana’s Royal Execution isn't as flashy or grand compared to other Fatalities in MK11. Minus points for the lack of creativity.
- Gore: 10 / 10
- Character: 9 / 10
- Creativity: 5 / 10
Gore-Nada is the perfect example of an overkill Mortal Kombat Fatality. From the number of guts and blood being siphoned out of her enemy to the presentation of her ability, this Fatality was an unexpected surprise. Too bad Royal Execution ruined Kitana for us, or we'd have given her the #1 spot on this list!
- Gore: 10 / 10
- Character: 10 / 10
- Creativity: 10 / 10
Overall score: 54 / 60
6. D’Vora

Can't Die
Can't Die deserves perfect gore points for peeling the front half of her enemies. It also shows off a moderate amount of unique use of D’Vora’s powers when she uses her sticky goo to ensure her enemies won't be able to struggle their way out.
- Gore: 10 / 10
- Character: 7 / 10
- Creativity: 7 / 10
New Species
This one's pretty unique. After infecting her enemy, the insect transforms the entire top half of the victim into the creature itself. That alone deserves two thumbs up.
- Gore: 10 / 10
- Character: 10 / 10
- Creativity: 10 / 10
Overall score: 54 / 60
Related: How to block in Mortal Kombat 11
5. Scorpion

Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction is an iconic Fatality for a good reason. It shows off Scorpion’s hellfire abilities and a creative way to chop a body in half.
- Gore: 8 / 10
- Character: 10 / 10
- Creativity: 10 / 10
You're Next
Like his first Fatality, this shows off great usage of his powers, a rather aesthetically pleasing presentation of gore. Still, it lacks the creativity to make him really stand out compared to higher Fatalities on this list.
- Gore: 9 / 10
- Character: 10 / 10
- Creativity: 7 / 10
Overall score: 54 / 60
4. Baraka

Rock, Paper, Baraka
Baraka is known for brutality, which is why the amount of body slicing and overkill in this Fatality is absurd(ly amazing). Creativity could use some work, but it's perfect overwise.
- Gore: 10 / 10
- Character: 9 / 10
- Creativity: 8 / 10
Food for Thought
Food for Thought is a great presentation of Baraka’s literal hunger for blood and flesh. It provides a rather brutal death to his enemies.
- Gore: 10 / 10
- Character: 10 / 10
- Creativity: 8 / 10
Overall score: 55 / 60
3. Raiden

Direct Current
This Fatality shows how much pain Raiden’s enemies go through as they are being electrocuted while their lower body slowly falls off. Our favorite thing about it is how much control Raiden has over his powers—which is a lot.
- Gore: 10 / 10
- Character: 9 / 10
- Creativity: 9 / 10
Alternating Current
Just like his first Fatality, Alternating Current shows off Raiden’s use of electromagnetism, pulling his enemy’s limbs. It's a truly brutal Fatality.
- Gore: 10 / 10
- Character: 9 / 10
- Creativity: 9 / 10
Overall score: 56 / 60
2. Noob Saibot

Double Trouble
Double Trouble is an excellent show of Noob Saibot’s power, ripping his enemy in half from the inside. Overall, it has a decent amount of gore, is a great show of character, and is a shocking show of his Fatality.
- Gore: 10 / 10
- Character: 10 / 10
- Creativity: 10 / 10
Split Decision
Split Decision is a great of splitting enemies into four. It also shows off Noob Saibot's portal abilities, which is a pleasant sprinkle of character lore.
- Gore: 10 / 10
- Character: 9 / 10
- Creativity: 7 / 10
Overall score: 56 / 60
1. Erron Black

Death Trap
With bear traps, a gun through the stomach, and a bullet coming out of his enemy’s head—this move is a total overkill. Plus, it perfectly shows Erron Black’s weaponry versatility and killing talent.
- Gore: 10 / 10
- Character: 10 / 10
- Creativity: 9 / 10
Unlike any other Fatalities, Melted took its sweet time, giving Erron Black’s enemies to process that they are not only about to die but die slowly and painfully. It's honestly very scary, but that's Erron Black for you.
- Gore: 9 / 10
- Character: 10 / 10
- Creativity: 10 / 10
Overall score: 58 / 60
For more articles on Mortal Kombat 1, take a look at How to unlock skins in Mortal Kombat 11 and Mortal Kombat characters they could add to MultiVersus here at Pro Game Guides.
Published: Jan 30, 2023 12:39 pm