There are lots of great escape room-style puzzles over at Cool Math Games, including Must Escape The Wizards Castle. I didn’t find the early puzzles too tough, but after a few rooms, the whole game starts to open up and I found it hard to keep track of where things had been and what I still needed to do. If you’re having the same issue, check out our Must Escape The Wizards Castle walkthrough below.
How do I get out of the first room in Must Escape The Wizard's Castle?
You find yourself stuck in a cell. Switch either left or right (to the screen with the door) and click the left-side hay pile to reveal a Stool—pick it up and go back to the opening screen. Select the Stool in your inventory and click the window to place it underneath. Now click the window again to get a Metal Bar. Flip back to the door, select the Metal Bar, and use it on the door to open it.
How to open the wardrobe in the second room

Click the box to reveal the top of the fourth barrel, which has a green pattern. Note the positions of the barrels, then click the right arrow to face the wardrobe (and the rat). Click the wardrobe and switch the colored squares (by clicking them) to match the barrel pattern. From the bottom left going clockwise, you need them to be Green, Red, Blue, and Yellow.
Click the button underneath the squares and the wardrobe will open. Take the Heavy Vase from inside it and click the picture taped to the inside of it. Go left twice (to the room with the switch and the table covered with a cloth). Click the switch on the wall, place the vase on the pressure plate, and click the cloth on the table to reveal a chest. Go back to the central screen, and the door will be open. Head through.
How to get the code for the chest

Go up the stairs and then left until you get to the room with the Cauldron. Click the Skull on top of the shelf and note the symbols. Now click the Scroll on the shelf and make a note of the symbols and numbers to get a three-digit code: 959. Go right back down to the chest on the previous floor and use the code to open it. Take the Magic Spectacles from inside. Also, make sure you’ve thrown the switch on the wall to the down position.
How to open the door in the far-right room with the yellow banner

Go up the stairs and across (right) to the room with food on the table. Click the jug and take the Cog from inside. Click the chair, which moves to reveal some Cheese. Pick it up, take it downstairs, and give it to the Rat in the cage. In thanks, the rat drops a Silver Key. Take it back upstairs, go to the far-right room, and use the key to open the door. Also, take the torch from the wall to the right of the yellow banner, then go through the door.
How to Remove the Powerful Magical Barrier

Click the black-and-white chest at the bottom of the stairs to reveal five directional arrows. Change them by clicking them until they match the image on the paper you found inside the wardrobe earlier (above). Then click the switch. Take the Magic Wand from inside, then go upstairs.

Take the red Spell Book from behind the pillar on the left (pictured). Also, go right (to the room with the Legendary Shard) and flip the switch on the wall. Go back downstairs and left until you get to the Cauldron Room, making sure you’ve also flipped the switch on the wall next to the blue Magic Barrier as you pass. As long as you’ve switched both switches down, you’ll now see a second Cog in a previously secret compartment under the picture on the wall next to the Cauldron.

Click the Spell Book in your inventory to open it. Now click the Magic Glasses in your inventory and click the open spell book. This makes sense of the words but also gives you an image with four arrows. Make a note of this, then go to the Magic Barrier room. If you click the barrier with your Wand selected in your inventory, four blue dots will appear around its edge. Click the dots in the order indicated in the spell Book image, and the barrier will be removed.
How to get the two Gold Keys and the Legendary Shard

Note the symbols on the four colored banners you’ve found in various rooms in the castle (pictured above). Go into the bedroom (beyond where the magical barrier was) and note the color order of stars on the picture frame (yellow, green, orange, red). Now click the wardrobe and the squares until the symbols match the same color order as the banners. Once open, take the Bottle from the wardrobe.
Use the bottle in the Cauldron to fill it with water, then take it upstairs to the room you got the spell book from (that also has two plants). Use the water on the right-hand plant and it will flower. Now repeat the process on the left flower (you’ll have to refill the bottle). A worm will wiggle across the table, leaving behind a Gold Key. Pick it up.
Take the torch (you get it from the room to the right with the yellow banner, marked above) to the bottom of the stairs and use it to light the candelabra. Take the Golden Key that appears when you do. Now you can go up the stairs in the room you got the torch from, and then right to the room containing the Legendary Shard. Use the two Gold Keys on its case and take the Legendary Shard.
How to escape the wizard’s castle

You should already have two cogs (one from the cauldron room and one from the jog; see above for details). Go through the door where the magical barrier was, into the bedroom. Click the stool so it moves to the right, revealing the third Cog, and pick it up. Place the three cogs on the three grey dots next to the door at the top of the stairs (in the room above the candelabra). Once attached, click the lever on the right of the door and the door will open. Congratulations! You’ve escaped the wizard’s castle.
Looking for more free puzzle game walkthroughs? Check out How to beat Trace Escape Room – Full Walkthrough and How to beat Riddle School 2 – Full Walkthrough here at Pro Game Guides.
Published: May 24, 2023 04:30 am