The Amrine tuning orb, a key required to enter the Amrine Excavation expedition, can be acquired through quests or by crafting the orb at a stonecutting table. One member of your party must have the orb to enter the expedition. That person's orb is consumed upon use.
Several quests give this orb to allow you access to the expedition: Destiny Unearthed, which is part of the main questline; Foreman's Ledger (Expedition); and Seeing Clearly (Expedition). Each of these quests will give you one orb.
Related: How to get the Starstone tuning orb
If you've used these orbs and need more, you can craft them at a tier-three stonecutting table. You'll need the following materials: corrupted sliver x10, iron chisel x1, stone block x50, eternal heart x1.
Corrupted slivers can be found in chests rewarded for closing corrupted portals. You can purchase the iron chisel from your faction representative in any major town. Stone blocks can be crafted from stone. And the eternal heart is also crafted at a tier-3 or higher stonecutting table using death motes, life motes, and soul motes.

Beyond the requirement to unlock the Amrine Excavation, having the Amrine tuning orb makes you an easy choice when people are looking for group members. Complete the quests or craft the orb at a stonecutting table, and you'll be running the expedition in no time.
Need help with Amrine Excavation? Check out our guides on how to beat the bosses Foreman Nakashima and Simon Grey.
Published: Oct 8, 2021 04:50 pm