In Nightingale, Raw Gem Quartz is one of the various gemstones you need to craft certain resources items. This resource can be tricky to find, so here's how to locate and farm Raw Gem Quarts in-game.
How to get Raw Gem Quartz in Nightingale

Raw Gem Quartz is a Gem that's required to make items like Glass in Nightingale. You can harvest this resource from rock deposits found across different realms. These rock deposits have a distinctive spiky look, and most often you'll find the red, golden, and silver deposits to be Quartz. Likewise, there are other colored rock deposits from which you can harvest resources like Tin, Diamond, Emerald, Iron, and more.

You must craft a Mining Pick to harvest the Raw Gem Quarts rock deposits. These easiest one to craft is the Makeshift Mining Pick which you can acquire early on in the game. After progressing to a certain level you'll unlock the Simple and Refined Mining Pick, which are better and more durable versions of the the tool. Chuck away at any of the rock deposits you find with the Mining Pick to harvest the gemstone.
Where to find Raw Gem Quartz in Nightingale (Map Location)

Raw Gem Quartz is one of the most abundant gemstones you'll come across in the game, and I first encountered it around the coastal areas of the Abeyance Forest Realm. Check the yellow arrow on the map image above to see the precise location of the Rare Gem Quartz farm in this realm. Resources like Quartz, Tin, Coal, and Copper are relatively easier to find, so its ideal to explore every nook and corner of a realm to find unique materials.
How to use Raw Gem Quartz in Nightingale

Rare Gem Quartz can be used to make Glass in Nightingale. You can craft Glass by refining this resource at a Simple Smelter or a Brazier. Before using the Smelter or Brazier, make sure to add Sticks, Plant Fiber, Wood Bundles and other flammable items to ignite the pot. To craft each piece of Glass you'll need two pieces of Rare Gem Quartz, so it is best to harvest this resource in bulk. Don't forget to bring along a Survivor NPC companion to help with farming materials.
For more related guides, check out the Nightingale Character Creation Guide – All customization options on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Feb 22, 2024 06:46 am