Nobody Wants to Die is the latest game to answer the question 'what if we had a Cyberpunky world with some other things?', and this time those things are crime scene reconstruction and immortality. Here I'll be guiding you through all four endings and all evidence board puzzles. Be wary of major spoilers ahead.
All Endings in Nobody Wants to Die, Explained
Nobody Wants to Die has a total of four endings, and despite the game informing you multiple times that choices you make will impact the story, your final ending comes down to your decisions in four key moments throughout the game.
Ending #1 - The Sort of Bad Ending

Ending #1 isn't all bad, but it's not great. Sara will be quite upset that you've made something of a mess of her body, but at least the Murderer didn't get away in it. To reach this ending, you must make the following choices.
- Icarus Lounge - Do NOT shoot the dead rich guy in the head.
- Green's Apartment - Do NOT close the door in Green's Apartment.
- Conversation with Sara - Select 'The Murderer' whilst talking to Sara in the Slums.
- Final Confrontation - Shoot Jane Salma.
Ending #2 - The Not Great Not Terrible Ending

This one is mostly the same as Ending #1, but this time you'll instead allow Jane Salma to walk away at the end. You're still toast, but at least Sara has a chance of getting her body back. Choices are as follows.
- Icarus Lounge - Do NOT shoot the dead rich guy in the head.
- Green's Apartment - Do NOT close the door in Green's Apartment.
- Conversation with Sara - Select 'The Murderer' whilst talking to Sara in the Slums.
- Final Confrontation - Do NOT shoot Jane Salma.
Ending #3 - The Worst Ending

This one is the properly bad ending, as this sees you killing Jane Salma, but sadly Sara won't get a second chance of things like she does in Ending #1 and Ending #2. You also don't really come to terms with everything that's been going on, so it's just a lose lose all around really.
- Icarus Lounge - DO shoot the dead rich guy in the head.
- Green's Apartment - DO close the door in Green's Apartment.
- Conversation with Sara - Select 'Green' whilst talking to Sara in the Slums.
- Final Confrontation - DO shoot Jane Salma.
Ending #4 - The Good (?) Ending

This one is the 'good' ending if only for the simple fact that you realize you're just a bit of a nutter, and have been all along, but you do get some closure and the chance to put those demons of yours to rest. Plus, Sara gets taken care of like she does in Ending #1 and Ending #2, so at least she still comes out of it alright. You're still done for though, sorry. In order to reach this ending, you'll have to make these choices.
- Icarus Lounge - DO shoot the dead rich guy in the head.
- Green's Apartment - DO close the door in Green's Apartment.
- Conversation with Sara - Select 'Green' whilst talking to Sara in the Slums.
- Final Confrontation - Throw away your gun in the confrontation with Jane Salma.
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Published: Jul 29, 2024 10:54 am