One Piece Odyssey is a game created primarily for fans of the One Piece manga and anime series. If you're new to the franchise, you wouldn't want to have the story spoiled by playing the game. We're here with the answer does One Piece Odyssey have spoilers? Even if you're a huge One Piece fan, read this before you start playing the game!
Are there any anime spoilers in One Piece Odyssey?
One Piece Odyssey is not connected directly to any One Piece anime, manga, or video game title. Hence, no anime spoilers exist in One Piece Odyssey if we're talking strictly about the story. Because the game is not canon, anything story-wise is not connected to the main story. But you're still not safe!
Related: How to get Usopp's Traveling Sniper King outfit in One Piece Odyssey
As the game is made for fans of the One Piece anime/manga title, you can expect a lot of story-related information. It may come from Traveling Set outfits/costumes of the main characters, easter eggs, or more directly from bits and pieces of known stories used in the game. In short, there may be revealing information character-wise in the worst-case scenario.
For example, some moves contain spoilers, and one character (we don't want to spoil it for you) is in the game, which doesn't occur until the time-skip in anime. Also, characters in the party are spoilers, as some are encountered as enemies. You may also find specific reference points in the story have spoiler potential.
For more information on One Piece Odyssey, check out All characters in One Piece Odyssey on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Jan 13, 2023 07:20 am