One Piece Odyssey is a pirate adventure experience set in the world of the popular anime and manga, One Piece. You can play as some of your favorite characters as you explore a new world, complete quests, and battle enemies in unique turn-based combat. Each character has special skills they can utilize in battle. You can upgrade those skills to become more deadly, but you'll need to find rare substances harboring pieces of their abilities.
How to level up skills in One Piece Odyssey
As your level up, your character's stats will increase, making them stronger in battle. However, to upgrade their skills, you will need to have special Cube Fragments. With Cube Fragments, you can power up their abilities through the Crew Menu and by opening up the Skill Up menu with Y or Triangle on the character you wish to inspect.
What are Battle Skills?
Battle Skills are abilities that the Crew can use while in an Encounter battle sequence. They deal damage to your enemies and, when upgraded, can be even more powerful and have better effects. The empty circles beside the skill's level symbolize how many times you can upgrade it to the current level. Clicking on them will allow you to place the Cube Fragments you currently own into them.
What are Field Skills?
Fields Skills are abilities that the Crew uses outside of battle as you are exploring different open areas. These abilities are used to break open containers and blockages or reach high or low spaces. These skills can also be upgraded, but only when they reveal open spaces beside them for you to place Cubes. If the description shows a Complete stamp, the skill is already at max level and cannot be upgraded further.
How to get cube fragments in One Piece Odyssey
To upgrade your abilities, you need to find Cube Fragments which hold bits of your power. As you continue the story, these bright green glowing cubes are scattered around the map. You can pick them up just like any other loot. However, pay close attention to what type of cube you pick up; they are explicitly designated for each individual and will only work to upgrade that character's abilities and no one else's.
Looking for more One Piece Odyssey content? Pro Game Guides has plenty of tips and tricks to get you started, such as One Piece Odyssey Combat Guide – How To Fight or All One Piece Odyssey Outfits & how to get them!
Published: Jan 13, 2023 01:12 pm