Reaper is a harbinger of destruction who haunts his opponents from the shadows. Some call him a wraith, born from loveless artificiality. Others, particularly Tank players, call him an absolute pain in the neck. Reaper is supreme in close-quarters combat due to his dual shotguns and lifesteal. He can shatter enemy formations with his ultimate Death Blossom before anyone has the chance to react. Here's how to play Reaper in Overwatch 2.
Reaper hero guide for Overwatch 2
What is Reaper's role in a team?

Reaper's main role is infiltrating the enemy backline and causing havoc to their Support and Damage heroes. Since he can kill most heroes with two headshots, Reaper is excellent at quickly picking off opponents. His Shadow Step allows him to easily flank by teleporting toward the enemy without a sound. Although he is deadly in close combat, he is nearly helpless in long-range engagements.
Related: Best Overwatch 2 DPS Heroes, Ranked
How is Reaper different in Overwatch 2?

In Overwatch 2, the damage that Reaper's shotguns inflict per pellet has decreased from 6.0 to 5.4. His pellet spread has increased from 6.0 to 7.0. This slightly reduces the overall damage of Reaper's shotguns and demands greater precision from the player. However, Reaper has been inadvertently buffed due to the changes of other Overwatch 2 heroes. Since Cassidy and Brigitte can no longer stun opponents, they cannot reliably counter Reaper's Death Blossom ultimate. This makes Reaper a stronger hero and reduces the number of heroes who counter him.
Reaper's abilities, listed

Here are Reaper's abilities, along with their purpose in battle.
- Shadow Step
- Teleport to a targeted location within a medium range. To cancel the targeting phase of this ability, press the alternate fire button. Shadow Step is frequently used to reposition to higher platforms, in preparation for a flank or ultimate. During the teleport animation, Reaper cannot be damaged, but directly afterwards, he is quite vulnerable.
- Wraith Form
- Move faster and temporarily become invulnerable, but you cannot fire your weapon or activate your abilities during this time. This ability can be used to dodge ultimates like Junkrat's Rip-Tire or D.VA's Self-Destruct, but it must be timed correctly.
- The Reaping (Passive)
- Dealing damage grants you self-healing. This passive ability makes Reaper a relatively self-sufficient hero, reducing his reliance on Support heroes.
- Role: Damage (Passive)
- When Reaper eliminates a hero, he receives a brief movement and reload speed buff. This is a universal passive for all Damage class heroes.
- Death Blossom (Ultimate)
- Damages all enemies in a small radius but can be cancelled by Sombra's Hack and Sigma's Accretion ability. Reaper can move slightly during this ability, as well as jump.
Reaper tips and tricks

After playing Reaper for an extended amount of time, you pick up some gameplay tricks. Here is some advice for newer Reaper players.
- Your primary job is to be a menace to the enemy team. We know that sounds mean, but it's the best way to get the most out of Reaper's playstyle. Reaper thrives off harassing the enemy backline and picking off supports, and you must be prepared for his aggressive playstyle.
- Due to his weapon nerfs for Overwatch 2, Reaper requires more precision than ever. Never underestimate the damage potential of a headshot. Try seeing how many headshots you can land on enemy bots in a row, in the Training Range.
- Take on fights you're not sure you can win- in the beginning. Reaper's passive restores a surprising amount of health, so you're likely more self-sufficient than you think. Going all in on fights can help you find your limits, rather than constantly hanging back and not reaching your full potential.
For more Overwatch 2 hero guides, come check out How to play Sombra in Overwatch 2 – Abilities and Tips here on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Oct 11, 2022 02:59 pm