Palworld is inhabited by various creatures called Pals. Flying Pals are especially popular for unlocking maps and attacking from above. This guide will help you choose the best flying Pals in Palworld.
There are many ways to traverse around the Palworld map, including fast travel. However, flying around on your Pal is a great feeling and useful for discovering new locations and creatures in the game.
Palworld - Best flying Pals

Nitewing is most likely the first flying Pal you will get in the game. You can find it just a bit north of your starting point in the game. The coordinates are 201, -491. For a long time, Nitewing will be an irreplaceable part of your flock. It doesn't have any special treat or property, but being the first flyable Pal is good enough to put Nitewing here.
Related: Palworld Port Forwarding Guide

You can find Quiverns in the west part of the map, in Pal Sanctuary. But they are reserved for high-level players. If you want to get a Quivern relatively early in the game, you can fight the boss version at Sealed Realm of the Winged Tyrant. The coordinates are -255, -130. The best trait of Quivern is low food consumption so that it won't burn through your stock so fast.

You will find this flying mount in the volcanic region of the Palworld map, in the southwest section. Ragnahawk's element is fire, and you'll have a great time raining fire on your enemies. This Pal is also very fast and adds fire damage to your attacks when you are mounted.

You will have to wait for a while before obtaining a Jetragon, and you can only obtain him during the boss fight at level 50. You can find Jetragon at coordinates -789, -321, near the Beach of Everlasting Summer. It's a Legendary Pal and thus hard to obtain, but it's worth the trouble as you will be amazed at how fast Jetragon is. As if that weren't enough, Jetragon also has the ability to fire mounted missiles.

Astegon looks very scary at first, and that's the impression that lasts. This Pal is a Dragon-type wielding Dark element. Like some evil dragon from a fairy tale, Astegon can dish out scary, damaging attacks from the air. It also makes his rider mine ore faster. You can find it near Destroyed Mineshaft, with coordinates -576, -421.
For more related content, try out How to save and pause in Palworld on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Jan 23, 2024 01:21 pm