Quivern is a feather-type winged dragon, and it is very tough to catch, but also a sought-after Pal. "How do you find and beat Quivern?" is the question that we'll answer in this guide.
Although it is not among the Pals you can get first, Quivern is very powerful and very useful to have in your flock of Pals. However, it is difficult to find and even more difficult to beat.
Finding and beating Quivern in Palworld
Pals in Palworld are scattered around the world, and finding them is mostly a matter of luck. The same goes with Quivern. It is pretty difficult to find it in the wild. However, there is one method that lets you find a Quivern quickly. If you feel confident enough, you can take on the boss version of Quivern.
Where to find the boss Quivern (Location)

The boss Quivern is at level 23, and you can find it in the Sealed Realm of the Winged Tyrant, just a bit north of a fast travel point. The coordinates are -255, -130. Just be warned, bosses in Palworld don't scale to the level of the players, so you need to seriously prepare before taking the boss Quivern on.
How to fight a Quivern
Quivern is a Dragon-type Pal. That means it is weak against Ice and strong against Dark. If you have an Ice Pal such as Chillet, Reindrix, or Penking, you'll defeat Quivern with no problem. Even if you don't have any Ice Pals, try to avoid using Dark Pals against Quivern. The best thing to do during the fight is to let your Pals into the scuffle while you snipe Quivern with your best long-range weapons.
How to mount a Quivern
Even after you defeat Quivern, there are still things to do before you tame it enough to fly it. If you want to fly on Quivern's back, you'll need a Quivern Saddle. To create it, you need a Pal Gear Workbench and the following items:
- 10 x Cloth
- 30 x Ingot
- 30 x Leather
- 30 x Paldium Fragment
The catch is you unlock Quivern Saddle at level 36. That means you will have to wait for a while before it is available to you. Once you have both Quivern and the saddle, summon your Pal, then hold the Partner Skill button to mount it.
For more related articles, check out How to make a Statue of Power in Palworld on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Jan 23, 2024 01:11 pm