While the missions make up the bulk of the action in Persona 5 Tactica, it is often the quests that offer the stiffest challenges as well as the best rewards. If you’re struggling with the Once More, With Feeling quest, read on to see how I completed it.
As with many of the quests in Persona 5 Tactica, Quest 4 revolves around timing and using the right heroes at the right time. If you put all that together correctly, you’ll be surprised how well your team can take down the guards.
Quest 4 Once More With Feeling Quest Guide - Persona 5 Tactica
You’ll get this quest to become available just after you rescue Yusuke and Makoto, and you must use both of them in this quest, so their skills may be unfamiliar to you. However, don’t worry too much about that. If you can upgrade their guns, then great, but don’t worry about their Personas too much. You will be using their melee and gun attacks, plus their basic Persona skills, so you don’t need to give them anything fancy.
In this quest, you need to defeat six Guards in a single turn. There are no adds or other surprises. I don’t think it matters which third team member you decide to take with you, as long as they have a Persona attack skill that moves a target off of a space. I chose to use Haru, with her Psi skills.
Overall, you need to keep all three team members in play to pull off a big Triple Threat by keeping them all active with One More Move actions, before you can finish off a couple of stragglers with standard attacks. Timing and positioning are crucial to success.
Move 1 - Haru vs the Guard on the front-left tower
You’ll note that Haru (or whoever you choose to use) is stuck in a small sandbagged area at the front of the battlefield. However, they can move up and left to target the guard on the front left tower with their Persona. I used her Psi skill, which moves the Guard off of the Jump Pad. As the guard has no protection, she also gains One more Action. However, switch to Yudsuke for now and keep her explosive powder dry.
Move 2 - Yusuke’s melee attack
Get Yusuke to dash up onto the front-left tower and then across to the back-left tower using the now free Jump Pad. Stand him behind the Guard here and use a melee attack to knock them down and onto the guard by the barrel below. Yusuke will also gain One More Action at this point, but don’t use it yet as you’ll need it later.
Move 3 - Makoto vs the guard in the back-right tower
Move Makoto up onto the front-right tower, and get within range of the guard on the back-right tower. Use her Frei persona skill on the guard on the back-right tower, freeing up the Jump Pad. This also knocks the Guards into new positions while giving Makoto One More Move, as well as giving the team Triple Threat.
Move 4 - Haru uses Triple Threat
Move your team into the positions you see above, which should target four of the Guards. It is really important that you use Haru to execute the Triple Threat, taking out all four and ending Haru’s involvement in the battle. It is much easier for the other two to complete the quest from here, as they have great vantage points on the towers.
Related: All Persona 5 Tactica skills, ranked
Move 5 - Yusuke keeps One More Move
Move Yusuke into position to fire his gun at the Guard standing between the two towers on the left side of the battlefield. This won’t defeat the Guard with one hit as they’re uninjured so far. However, seeing as the Guard is unprotected, the hit will maintain Yusuke’s One More Move status, giving him another action.
Move 6 - Yusuke finishes off the fifth Guard
Still targeting the same Guard, use Yusuke to finish them off. It doesn’t matter how yuo do it, as long as the Guard is defeated with one hit. I used Gun to keep it simple, but feel free to be more flamboyant. You’re almost done. As long as you get the kill, that’s Yusuke's involvement in the quest completed too.
Move 7 - Makoto finished the job
You should now have just one Guard left, lying on the floor of the front-left tower. Move Makoto into range by dashing to the front-right tower, then use her Gun to take down the final Guard. Congratulations, you’ve completed the Once More, with Feeling quest! Once you’ve completed the quest, both Yusuke and Makoto will gain 20GP.
This is fantastic to get now, as you can immediately use them for some big skill upgrades. I quite like Makoto as a healer, but it is also very tempting to max out that awesome Vortex skill line and bump up Soul Repose to help cover the high SP costs. With Yusuke, it’s Freeze all the way for me.
We've got you covered for Persona 5 Tactica here at Pro Game Guides! Why not also check out All Persona 5 Tactica characters, ranked right here?
Published: Nov 18, 2023 07:00 am