There are several different part-time jobs that you can take on as you play through Persona 5 Royal. Of these is one at a beef bowl shop called Ore no Beko. Here, you can work towards ranking up the Sun Confidant, Toranosuke Yoshida, and earn money by helping out the patrons eating there. You can work on most days but the best days to work on are ones ending in either two or nine. These are known as Yakiniku Day.
On Yakiniku Day, you can serve special orders that require to be served in the right order. Customers will begin asking for their orders at rapid fire, and it is up to you to make sure that you get them right. Unfortunately, these orders are done at random, but the orders that you can expect to receive are as follows:
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- Curry Bowl
- Natto Bowl
- Barbecue Bowl
- Beef Bowl
- Hui Guo Rou Bowl
The orders can range from two sizes, either medium or large. Then, you'll need to ensure that you memorize the four requests that will be asked of you. They will be one of the five outlined above, so don't worry if you don't remember the exact name. Just do your best to memorize at least the first letter and refer to our list to choose the exact option.
Regardless, you'll be able to earn between 3,600 and 8,800 Yen. If you choose not to work at the beef bowl shop, there are a variety of other places to work, like the 777 convenience store.
For more Persona 5 Royal, check out Persona 5 vs Persona 5 Royal – Differences, explained only on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Oct 31, 2022 08:39 pm