Pokémon Scarlet & Violet introduced seven new Electric Type Pokémon for Generation IX. Among them are three Paradox Pokémon with the same Base Stat Total but very different uses. All of these Pokémon will be ranked based on their strength and utility, with some competitive usefulness thrown in. While all these Pokémon are good for a casual playthrough, some do better than others. Here are ten of the best Electric Type Pokémon in Scarlet & Violet.
What are the best Electric Type Pokémon in Scarlet & Violet?
10. Bellibolt

Defensively, Bellibolt is pretty good due to its high HP stat and decent Defense and Special Defense. Its Special Attack is good as well, but it lacks enough coverage moves to do well in battle. Weather Ball and Thunder are excellent offensive options, especially in a Rain Team, but the stats don't do it justice compared to other Electric Type Pokémon.
9. Raichu

Raichu would be a lot higher on this list if it weren't for the item Covert Cloak and the unreliability of Fake Out. Raichu is a fantastic supportive Pokémon in Double Battles, able to learn Fake Out, Nuzzle, and both Reflect and Light Screen. It can learn Volt Switch as well, keeping its damage capabilities, however, Fake Out isn't nearly as reliable due to Covert Cloak negating Flinches.
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8. Luxray

Luxray is a good Electric Type Pokémon to go through the game with, but its stats don't let it do anything special. It has good coverage moves like Crunch, Psychic Fangs, and Wild Charge but it rarely gets the chance to stay on the field long enough to be a threat. Its Hidden Ability, Guts, makes it quite strong, but unless Luxray has Tailwind behind it, it can quickly be taken out by opposing Pokémon.
7. Jolteon

Speed isn't a problem for Jolteon, and its Special Attack is high enough for it to be able to threaten its opponents with a powerful Thunderbolt. Jolteon's coverage isn't too great and is too frail to be used as a strong Support Pokémon, but its potential as a Volt Switch Pokémon that is immune to Electric moves makes it very strong. It is very easy to knock out a Jolteon, but because it moves so fast, it will slip away with Volt Switch and into something much bulkier for it.
6. Kilowattrel

The strength of Kilowattrel varies depending on what players want from it. The Pokémon is very fast and can use Tailwind for the rest of its team, but also can use high Base Power moves like Hurricane and Thunder to its advantage. Under Rain Dance, Kilowattrel is a menace and won't miss these moves and if it is ever brought down to low HP, it can use Endeavor to bring something else low with it. All three of its Abilities are very strong but Competitive can make it extremely powerful.
Related: Best Nature for Wattrel and Kilowattrel in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
5. Pawmot/Magnezone/Rotom

Pawmot, like Luxray, doesn't have anything too special about it. In fact, Luxray's Abilities make it stronger than Pawmot in many ways. However, Pawmot is faster than Luxray and is one of the few Pokémon to get the move Revival Blessing. That alone makes Pawmot a valuable member of any competitive team.
Magnezone and Rotom also deserve mention, as they have always been very bulky and very strong. What they lack in Speed, they make up for in raw damage, utility, and good defenses. Magnezone has one of the highest Special Attack stats in the game and resists many move Types because of its Steel Typing. Rotom is excellent because of how many forms it can take. It gets the Ability Levitate, removing its Ground Type weakness, and gets different coverage moves based on the appliance form it takes.
4. Sandy Shocks

Sandy Shocks is fast and hits hard, making it one of the better Electric Pokémon. It's a good counter to other Electric Type Pokémon as well but it is very frail. Its Speed isn't the highest, making Pokémon like Garchomp able to move first, but for anything it does outspeed, it will always deal a lot of damage. It can learn Earth Power and Thunderbolt for STAB moves but doesn't have much going for coverage. Flash Cannon and Power Gem round it out, but it doesn't have much to cover its Ground weakness. Despite this, it's still a good Pokémon that can take advantage of Terastalization.
3. Iron Thorns

Iron Thorns is extremely weak to Ground Type moves, but if it gets the chance to set up, it can be very strong. Tyranitar is considered stronger, but Iron Thorns shouldn't be underestimated. Dragon Dance makes it dangerous to go up against because of how quickly it can increase its stats as long as it stays away from Earthquake.
2. Iron Hands

Iron Hands is one of the best Paradox Pokémon, let alone one of the best Electric Type Pokémon in Scarlet & Violet. It has a lot of HP, a big Attack stat, and access to Belly Drum. Its Tera Raid Build is one of the most popular because of how quickly it makes do with Tera Raids. Iron Hands does excellently under Trick Room and is a dangerous threat no matter what.
1. Miraidon

Miraidon is the best Electric Type Pokémon in Scarlet & Violet due to its impeccable stats. It has one of the highest Speed stats in the game, and its Ability activates all Future Paradox Pokémon to activate while also increasing Miraidon's Special Attack. It has plenty of coverage moves like Flash Cannon and Dazzling Gleam, along with support options for allies like Reflect, Snarl, and Taunt. This Pokémon has many different uses and goes toe to toe with some powerful Raid Pokémon.
Related: Read about the Best Legendary Pokemon of All Time on our sister site, Gamepur.
For more Type Ranking lists, check out Best Fairy Types in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet or Best Ground Pokémon in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Jan 10, 2023 10:23 pm