Choosing the best Nature for a Pokémon is essential to building a powerful team in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. There are a lot of choices, so it isn't always clear which Nature fits each Pokémon. While the choice can be tough, this guide will help players find the best Nature for Hoppip, Skiploom, and Jumpluff.
What is the best Nature for Hoppip, Skiploom, and Jumpluff in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

The evolutionary line of Hoppip has a natural predisposition for high Special Defense, similar to another Pokémon Wo-Chien. Those looking to get the most out of Hoppip, Skiploomk, and Jumpluff should choose one of these Natures:
- Calm (+Special Defense, -Attack)
- Careful (+Special Defense, -Special Attack)
Because these Pokémon already have a high Special Defense stat, it would be wise to make it even tankier by raising this stat more. Since the main objective will be to stave off enemies' blows, it is okay to take the hit on a lower Attack or Special Attack stat.
Related: Best Nature for Maschiff and Mabosstiff in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
How to choose the best Nature in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
Choosing the best Nature can be overwhelming at times, but there are things that players can look out for to make the decision an easier one. Players should check a Pokémon's base stats and move pool to determine which Natures make a good fit.
The Pokémon's move pool will be made up of primarily Special or Physical Attacks. Pokémon with heavy Physical Attacks should be paired with Natures that raise the Attack stat, while Special Attack wielders will do best with Natures that increase the Special Attack stat. The Pokémon's base stats can also give a glimpse of what areas the monster can excel in.
Best Nature Chart in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
Nature | Increased Stat | Decreased Stat |
Lonely | Attack | Defense |
Adamant | Attack | Special Attack |
Naughty | Attack | Special Defense |
Brave | Attack | Speed |
Bold | Defense | Attack |
Impish | Defense | Special Attack |
Lax | Defense | Special Defense |
Relaxed | Defense | Speed |
Modest | Special Attack | Attack |
Mild | Special Attack | Defense |
Rash | Special Attack | Special Defense |
Quiet | Special Attack | Speed |
Calm | Special Defense | Attack |
Gentle | Special Defense | Defense |
Careful | Special Defense | Special Attack |
Sassy | Special Defense | Speed |
Timid | Speed | Attack |
Hasty | Speed | Defense |
Jolly | Speed | Special Attack |
Naive | Speed | Special Defense |
Hardy | - | - |
Docile | - | - |
Bashful | - | - |
Quirky | - | - |
Serious | - | - |
Interested in other helpful Pokémon Scarlet and Violet guides and want to read more? Check out Best Nature for Bombirdier in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet on Pro Game Guides!
Published: Nov 19, 2022 01:00 am