Defensive Steel-types can provide the backbone for any team. It's hard to find a better candidate for this role than Bronzor, who evolves into the incredibly sturdy Bronzong. There are plenty of reasons to find Bronzor's location, whether it's to complete the task to evolve Charcadet or to use Bronzor itself. Fortunately, it isn't too far from the Uva Academy.
Where to catch Bronzor in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
After the tutorial for Pokémon Scarlet & Violet ends, players are given the choice of going through the West Gate (to find the first Gym) or the East Gate (to find the first Titan Pokémon). The West Gate actually is home to Bronzor's location as well.

To find Bronzor, players will want to head to the spot where Titan Klawf appears. This is around where the tower in the middle of South Province, Area Three is. From this spot, players will want to head directly North. There will be more cliffs and hills to roam across, but eventually players will see a spot which looks to be some ruins with old gray bricks lined up: that's Bronzor's location.
Related: Best nature for Fuecoco, Crocalor and Skeldirge in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
Bronzor will be around the level 12 mark here, so be prepared. Other areas that have ruins around Paldea will also have some Bronzor lurking around. Most of them won't be found until later in the game, however. Another early game option would be to explore the ruins by the beach to the southeast of Area One, South Province.
Want more Pokémon Scarlet & Violet guides? Pro Game Guides has you covered with How to catch Ralts Early in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet.
Published: Nov 19, 2022 08:14 am