Pokémon Scarlet and Violet features a new adorable Ghost-type dog named Greavard. While the spooky pup is easy to find, you will need to use a special method to trigger its second-stage evolution Houndstone.
Where to find Greavard in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

If you are thinking about getting Greavard at the start of the game, you are going to first have to embark on a lengthy journey across the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet map to reach North Paldea. Greavard spawns in Glaseado Mountain, North Province (Area One) and West Province (Area Three). The ghost dog usually appears in the wild starting at level 36, so you will need to put in a couple of hours of training before attempting to take it on. Greavard is easy to spot, as you will see a candlelight sticking up out of the snow or grass. If you step over the flickering flame, the Pokémon will immediately dig its way out of the hole and launch into a battle with you. Now that you have added Greavard to your team, you will need to use a special method to obtain its evolution Houndstone, which is detailed below.
How to evolve Greavard into Houndstone in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

Greavard evolves into Houndstone starting at level 30 after being leveled up once at night. Because the ghost pup usually spawns in around level 32, you will likely not have to worry about training up your Pokémon. The only requirement you will have to meet is leveling it up once when the moon is out. Since the clock in Scarlet and Violet is sped up, waiting for nightfall shouldn't take very long. If you manage to catch a Greavard at a lower level, then make sure to get it to level 30 before attempting this evolution method. Although Houndstone can also spawn in randomly on the map as a high-level Tera Pokémon, the quickest way to obtain the Ghost-type is catching Greavard in Northern Paldea.
For more information on Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, check out How to start playing Pokémon Scarlet and Violet early here on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Nov 17, 2022 09:57 pm