The DLC for Pokémon Scarlet & Violet is coming in the Fall and Winter of 2023. There will certainly be new Pokémon to catch in this DLC, but given the trailer shown at the most recent Nintendo Direct, some older Pokémon that weren't found in the Paldea region are also making a comeback. Many fans will see some of their favorite Pokémon return, especially fans of the Hoenn Region.
Which returning Pokémon will be featured in the DLC for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet?

As of the time of writing, there is no official list of what Pokémon will be returning in the Scarlet & Violet DLC. However, the trailer shown at the Nintendo Direct did reveal that several Pokémon which didn't make it into the Paldean Pokedex will become available in the DLC. Those Pokémon are as follows:
- Sentret: An early game Normal-Type from the Johto region. Sentret evolves into Furret, a very fast critter.
- Gligar: A Ground and Flying-type from the Johto region. Gligar evolves into Gliscor, a scary Pokemon known for its Poison Heal ability, which actually restores health when poisoned.
- Corphish: a Water-type from the Hoenn region. Corphish also receives a secondary Dark typing when it evolves into Crawdaunt, one of very few Pokemon that get access to the Crabhammer move.
- Vulpix: A Fire-type from the Kanto region. Its evolution, Ninetails, can automatically bring out harsh sunlight with its Drought ability.
- Oricorio: A Flying-type Pokémon from Alola. Oricorio actually has four forms: a Ghost-type, a Fire-type, an Electric-type, and a Psychic-type. They all share a secondary typing of Flying, though.
- Poochyena: A Dark-type from the Hoenn region. Poochyena is one of the first Pokémon trainers can find in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire. Its evolution, Mightyena, is found on many of the teams that Aqua and Magma use.
- Yanma: A Bug- and Flying-type from the Johto Region. Its evolution, Yanmega, gets the Speed Boost ability. After a couple turns, it becomes one of the fastest Pokémon in existence.
- Chimecho: A Psychic-type from the Sinnoh Region. Trainers can find lots of Chimecho in the Alabaster Icelands in Pokémon Legends: Arceus.
- Snorlax: A Normal-type from the Kanto region. As one of the more famous Pokémon, Snorlax made an appearance on Ash's team in the anime as well as in spinoff games like Pokémon Unite.
- Zebstrika: An Electric-type Pokémon from the Unova region. Resembling a Zebra, Zebstrika was used by Elesa in the Nimbasa City Electric Gym.
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- Golurk: A Ghost- and Ground-type from the Unova region. Golurk can be found all along Victory Road in Unova.
- Alolan Exeggutor: An Alolan regional variant of Exeggutor. This Exeggutor is Grass- and Dragon-type, known for having an incredibly tall neck.
- Seel: A Water-type from Kanto. Gains an Ice typing when it evolves into Dewgong, who was also seen in the trailer.
- Whimsicott: A Grass- and Fairy-type from Unova. Whimsicott is known for its Prankster ability, which allows it to use status moves first in battle, regardless of speed.
- Metagross: A Steel- and Psychic-type Pokémon from Hoenn. This Pokémon is considered a pseudo-legendary, and is even featured on Steven's champion team.
- Reuniclus: A Psychic-Type from the Unova region. Reuniclus gets the Magic Guard ability, which prevents chip damage from things like Toxic, Sand, and entry hazards.
- Milotic: A Water-type from Hoenn. Milotic is one of the rarest Pokemon of all time, only acquired by evolving a Feebas, which can only be found on a specific water tile.
- Flygon: A Dragon-type from Hoenn. Flygon gets access to loads of strong moves, including Outrage, Earthquake, and Draco Meteor.
- Alcremie: A Fairy-type from Galar. A very decorative Pokémon, Alcremie has many different designs.
This is definitely a good opportunity to bring back older Pokémon with updated movesets. I'm personally waiting to see what Flygon will learn (hopefully Glaive Rush).
Which new Pokémon will debut in the DLC for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet?

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Just like with the Isle of Armor and Crown Tundra, there will be new Pokémon featured in the DLC. The first part of the DLC, entitled The Teal Mask, will introduce the Loyal Three, protectors of Mossui City. These three are:
- Okidogi
- Munkidori
- Fezandipiti
They are all protecting the city from Ogerpon, the Pokémon that wields the Teal Mask. In the second part of the DLC, titled The Indigo Disk, the Pokémon Terapagos will be introduced. Terapagos is a turtle-like Pokémon with a huge shell that features emblems of the 18 types.
Related: Check out the Best Pokemon Games Of All Time on our sister site, Attack of the Fanboy.
Want more Pokemon Scarlet and Violet guides? Pro Game Guides has you covered with Pokémon Scarlet & Violet DLC could be based on Japanese Myth.
Published: Jun 22, 2023 12:49 pm