We thought dog Pokémon were the best part of the franchise, but when cat Pokémon entered the mix, we were proven wrong. Cats are beloved creatures, whether they curl up next to us or swipe at our hand each time we try to pet them. We feed them special kibble, buy them costumes, and grant them dominion over cat towers. Pokémon saw our love for these felines and created some adorable cat-themed Pokémon. Here's a list of all cat-themed Pokémon, ranked.
All cat Pokémon, ranked from worst to best
#27- Alolan Meowth

Alolan Meowth looks like a shifty vendor in Times Square who would offer you a discount that's too good to be true. While this Pokémon does have several feline features, we would not trust it with our wallets.
- The "Scratch Cat" Pokémon
- Type: Dark
- Gen 7 (Pokémon Sun and Moon)
#26- Litleo

There's nothing inherently wrong with Litleo, but its design is relatively plain. It is a cat, but it is also nothing more than a cat.
- The "Lion Cub" Pokémon
- Type: Fire/Normal
- Gen 6 (Pokémon X and Y)
#25- Alolan Persian

The Alolan Persian looks like it's perpetually planning a global heist, and we can't get behind that. If this Pokémon was a person, they'd trip you and blame you for being clumsy.
- The "Classy Cat" Pokémon
- Type: Dark
- Gen 7 (Pokémon Sun and Moon)
#24- Raikou

With all due respect, Raikou is a living children's doodle. He is everything at once, to the point where he loses a chunk of his feline identity.
- The "Thunder" Pokémon
- Type: Electric
- Gen 2 (Pokémon Gold and Silver)
#23- Incineroar

To call Incineroar a cat is generous. Realistically, Incineroar is the soul of an MMA fighter who brawled with a wizard and was polymorphed into a feline body. Even so, his design is fun and colorful, so we dig it.
- The "Heel" Pokémon
- Type: Fire/Dark
- Gen 7 (Pokémon Sun and Moon)
#22- Perrserker

Perrserker absolutely survives on energy drinks alone. This Pokémon has no sense of calm and is likely to bounce off the walls.
- The "Viking" Pokémon
- Type: Steel
- Gen 8 (Pokémon Sword and Shield)
Related: 10 Biggest Pokemon of All Time
#21- Meowth

Meowth is the cat of all cats. He is the grandfather of all cat Pokémon to come. Because of this identity, Meowth is doomed to normality, with even his type calling him basic. While Meowth is a bonafide cat, he will only ever be... a cat.
- The "Scratch Cat" Pokémon
- Type: Normal
- Gen 1 (Pokémon Red and Blue)
#20- Purugly

We disliked Purugly at first, but over time, it started to grow on us. Purugly is the perfect pet to cuddle, despite its odd whiskers and spring-shaped tail. We can't help but love it.
- The "Tiger Cat" Pokémon
- Type: Normal
- Gen 4 (Pokémon Diamond and Pearl)
#19- Luxray

Luxray is one cool cat. It resembles a young lion, and although it is small, it has a fighting spirit. The abundance of colors make it difficult to tell what's going on in his design, but overall, Luxray is unique and lovable.
- The "Gleam Eyes" Pokémon
- Type: Electric
- Gen 4 (Pokémon Diamond and Pearl)
#18- Persian

Persian had the potential to suffer from Meowth's normality, but somehow, its design dodges that bullet. Persian is a cat, but due to the more complex shape language, its design is appealing to look at. We're slightly jealous of Meowth's glowup.
- The "Classy Cat" Pokémon
- Type: Normal
- Gen 1 (Pokémon Red and Blue)
#17- Luxio

Luxio is a cute cub that would fit perfectly in our arms. Its tiny paws are endearing, and we'd love to dress this cat up in a little costume for Halloween.
- The "Spark" Pokémon
- Type: Electric
- Gen 4 (Pokémon Diamond and Pearl)
#16- Skitty

Skitty is a sophisticated fellow with a design to die for. The shades of pink and purple cause Skitty to seem dainty and cute, and we'd love to scoop this cat up in our arms.
- The "Kitten" Pokémon
- Type: Normal
- Gen 3 (Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire)
#15- Glameow

Aside from the crime of calling it The Catty Pokémon, Glameow is a simple but beautiful Pokémon that we'd be willing to adopt. It may have an oversized tail shaped like a spring, but no pet is perfect.
- The "Catty" Pokémon
- Type: Normal
- Gen 4 (Pokémon Diamond and Pearl)
#14- Pyroar

If we pretend the Pyroar version on the right doesn't exist, this Pokémon is passable. Pyroar is obviously inspired by a lion, but it doesn't expand on this idea in a groundbreaking way. However, as much as we love Pokémon, we can't get behind the design of a lion with a ponytail.
- The "Royal" Pokémon
- Type: Fire/Normal
- Gen 6 (Pokémon X and Y)
#13- Litten

While simplicity hinders some Pokémon, we would argue that Litten's minimalistic design works in its favor. Just from its appearance, we can guess Litten's personality.
- The "Fire Cat" Pokémon
- Type: Fire
- Gen 7 (Pokémon Sun and Moon)
Related: Best Legendary Pokémon of all time
#12- Espurr

Espurr looks adorable but traumatized. It may have foreseen the heat death of the universe, but those bug eyes sure are charming. The fact that Espurr is called The Restraint Pokémon only solidifies our fears.
- The "Restraint" Pokémon
- Type: Psychic
- Gen 6 (Pokémon X and Y)
#11- Purrloin

Purrloin is the Pokémon equivalent of sand in your shoes. It may be bothersome, but it never leaves your side. If Purrloin was a human, it would definitely run a prank channel on YouTube.
- The "Devious" Pokémon
- Type: Dark
- Gen 5 (Pokémon Black and White)
#10- Shinx

Shinx captures the adorable innocence of kittens. It has curious, wide eyes, as well as tiny paws. We'd love to take Shinx with us and travel the world.
- The "Flash" Pokémon
- Type: Electric
- Gen 4 (Pokémon Diamond and Pearl)
#9- Torracat

We love that Torracat has a little bell around its neck. It's hard to stop thinking about this Pokémon prancing around the backyard, its tiny bell ringing with every leap. We can't imagine a more joyful sound.
- The "Fire Cat" Pokémon
- Type: Fire
- Gen 7 (Pokémon Sun and Moon)
#8- Delcatty

Delcatty looks like an absolute sweetheart. While some cats swat at you without reason, Delcatty would rest on your lap and purr. To live alongside a Delcatty would be a peaceful and fulfilling life.
- The "Prim" Pokémon
- Type: Normal
- Gen 3 (Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire)
#7- Galarian Meowth

Galarian Meowth captures the chaotic side of felines, through its ruffled hair and unhinged stance. While it doesn't strongly resemble a cat, it absolutely has cat vibes.
- The "Scratch Cat" Pokémon
- Type: Steel
- Gen 1 (Pokémon Red and Blue)
#6- Espeon

Espeon has a beautiful sense of mystery and regality. If Espeon wants the expensive wet food, Espeon gets the expensive wet food.
- The "Sun" Pokémon
- Type: Psychic
- Gen 2 (Pokémon Gold and Silver)
#5- Meowstic

To be honest, we didn't know this Pokémon existed until now, but these cats are gorgeous. Their coloring is otherworldly, but still communicates their feline nature. We are concerned about their title as The Constraint Pokémon, though.
- The "Constraint" Pokémon
- Type: Psychic
- Gen 6 (Pokémon X and Y)
#4- Liepard

Speaking of concerning names, Liepard is named The Cruel Pokémon. According to Pokédex entries, Liepard is vicious and territorial, using its silent paws to sneak up behind its victims. If we had Liepard as a pet, we would live each day in reverent fear.
- The "Cruel" Pokémon
- Type: Dark
- Gen 5 (Pokémon Black and White)
#3- Zeraora

Zeraora has an eclectic but charming design, with sprays of vibrant color and a sharp shape language. While Zeraora wouldn't make a great pet, it would make an excellent friend.
- The "Thunderclap" Pokémon
- Type: Electric
- Gen 7 (Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon)
#2- Sprigatito

Sprigatito is a tiny bundle of cuteness, clocking in at a little over one foot tall. With its bushy tail and perked ears, we can't help but love this cat.
- The "Grass Cat" Pokémon
- Type: Grass
- Gen 9 (Pokémon Scarlet and Violet)
#1- Solgaleo

Solgaleo is the cat that other cats want to be when they grow up. It is an absolute unit of pure feline power. We would love to hop on Solgaleo's back and conquer the world.
- The "Sunne" Pokémon
- Type: Psychic/Steel
- Gen 7 (Pokémon Sun and Moon)
For more Pokémon lists, come check out 10 Hottest Pokemon Trainers here on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Feb 15, 2023 03:34 pm