In Pokémon GO, Tirtouga is a great Pokémon to hunt for though it can be very difficult to get ahold of. Tirtouga, and its evolution Carracosta, can be great in battle with the right moves. Players can find out how to get ahold of this Pokémon and evolve it by following the guide below.
How to catch Tirtouga in Pokémon GO
There is a chance that Tirtouga can spawn in the wild, so encountering this way is possible, but its chance of spawning is extremely low. The easiest way to get Tirtouga is to hatch it from an Egg. At the time of writing, Tirtouga hatches out of 10km Eggs, but in the past, the Pokémon has come from 7km Eggs as well. It is possible that this could change again in the future, and Niantic may also decide to include Tirtouga as a part of an in-game event in the future as well.
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How to evolve Tirtouga in Pokémon GO

To evolve Tirtouga into its larger form, Carracosta, players will need to gather enough of the Pokémon to have 50 Tirtouga Candy. Since Tirtouga is easiest to come by in 10km Eggs, players may have an easier time coming across Candy for this Pokémon. Egg hatches can result in 12+ Candy at times, so players would do good to invest time trying to hatch this Pokémon.
Can Tirtouga be shiny in Pokémon GO?

Tirtouga can be shiny in Pokémon GO, which is great news for trainers. The normal variant of this Pokémon is already difficult to come by, so the shiny form is bound to be incredibly rare. Players will not likely encounter one of these shinies in the wild outside of an event in Pokémon GO.
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Published: Sep 12, 2022 03:46 pm