The Pokémon GO: Sixth Anniversary Event kicks off on July 6, 2022, at 10:00am local time and ends on July 12, 2022, at 8:00pm local time. The Sixth Anniversary Event will feature party-themed avatar items, special Pokémon encounters, Field Research featuring every generation's starter Pokémon, and more.
Sixth Anniversary Event Featured Pokémon
The event will mark the debut of a few Pokémon, chances to catch Shiny Pokémon, and special wild encounters, anywhere you are located. Here are the Pokémon featured in the Pokémon GO Sixth Anniversary Event.
Related: Pokemon GO Friend Codes (June 2022)
Pokémon Debuts
The following Pokemon can be seen for the first time in the Sixth Anniversary Event:
- Party Hat Charmeleon
- Party Hat Charizard
- Cake Costume Pikachu
Wild Encounters

The following Pokemon can be found in the wild at a higher rate during the event (Pokemon in bold can be found as Shinies):
- Bulbasaur
- Party Hat Charmander
- Squirtle
- Cake Costume Pikachu
- Machop
- Ledyba
- Ralts
- Buneary
- Venipede
- Chespin
- Feenkin
- Froakie
- Bunnelby
- Litleo
- Pikipek
- Gabite
- Clauncher
- Helioptile
Pokémon GO Sixth Anniversary Event Raids

The Anniversary Event has some pretty powerful Pokémon featured in Raids during the event. Mega Raids for either Mega Charizard X or Y will be available depending on the date. Here are all the Raids happening during the Sixth Anniversary Event:
One-Star Raids
- Cake Costume Pikachu
- Dratini
Three-Star Raids
- Venusaur
- Party Hat Charizard
- Blastoise
- Tyranitar
- Metagross
Five-Star Raids
- Zapdos
Mega Raids
- Mega Charizard X (Only available from July 6, 2022 to July 7, 2022)
- Mega Charizard Y (Only available from July 7, 2022 to July 12, 2022)
Trainers will be able to take on Research tasks for the chance to encounter every starter Pokémon, with chances to see Shiny versions of all but Generation 6 and 7. During the event, you can also earn special rewards like Stickers from Poke-Stops, and purchase event avatar items from the in-game shop.
For more Pokémon guides, check out Pokémon GO: July Community Day – Event Bonuses, Special Research, & Featured Pokémon on Pro Game Guides.
Published: Jun 30, 2022 02:15 pm